Letter from Louisa Cornelia Seward Canfield to Mary Jennings Seward, March 14, 1838

  • Posted on: 10 March 2016
  • By: admin
Letter from Louisa Cornelia Canfield to Mary Jennings Seward, March 14, 1838



student editor


Distributor:Seward Family Digital Archive

Institution:University of Rochester

Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections


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Letter from Louisa Cornelia Canfield to Mary Jennings Seward, March 14, 1838

action: sent

sender: Louisa Canfield
Birth: 1805  Death: 1839-01-04


receiver: Mary Seward
Birth: 1769-11-27  Death: 1844-12-11

location: Florida, NY


revision:  2015-12-01

Page 1

Bargain Town, March 14 1838
My dear Mother,
I received your kind letter of the 5th Inst
last evening. I dont know when I have received anything
that afforded me so much pleasure, to hear that you
and my Father
Birth: 1768-12-05 Death: 1849-08-24
are in better health. and it is written
in a more cheerful vein, than your letters usually are.
I think if little Mary
Birth: 1837-09-15 Death: 1839-03-10
had not been very restless with
a cold I should have slept sounder than I am accustomed
to do –last night–I am rejoiced to hear that the
Methodists have awakened up the Florida people
they had become "luke warm" to say the least of them,
and I fear very indifferent Christians – there is
nothing but godliness, that can make us charitable,
kind, and social – I have enjoyed some of the
Methodist meetings beyond any other, but it is a
low dull state of religion here at present – and
I have been very much confined of late –yet I
can think, and feel gratitude for the countless
blessings bestowed upon us. I dont know that we
ever enjoy as much comfort as Marcia
Birth: 1794-07-23 Death: 1839-10-25
does – she
has a way of setting off things that I have not,
but we have had a very pleasant winter–
I am ready sometimes to think our portion is like
the widows crust and meal.
Please make my congratulations to Mrs. Horton
Birth: 1816-05-11 Death: 1892-01-18

Page 2

tell her we wish her the happiness the world affords.
I am glad to hear Lockes
Birth: 1805-07-15 Death: 1848-05-14
health is returning –
tell Julian
Birth: 1811-08-26 Death: 1847-07-24
I am very much indebted for her letter —
it is a good long one and tells me a great deal
of interesting matters & I'll remember it.
I am going to see Mrs Amelia Frambes
Birth: 1793-10-19 Death: 1870-11-25
this afternoon
the last visit I paid her was when my dear Mama
Birth: 1769-11-27 Death: 1844-12-11

was here, I am a poor neighbor in this respect.
Dear Mama I have neglected to finish my letter until
this time, (25th) not because of any particular reason, but.
carelessness. Francis
Birth: 1832-02-20 Death: 1876-01-14
got hurt a little today, came
near being seriously wounded, Augustus
Birth: 1829-12-04 Death: 1867-10-25
had a little
hatchet chopping & it glanced and struck Francis
on the knee. I had a letter from Julia Dickerson
week, she says she is coming down next week, to make
us a good long visit – now my dear Mother I fear our
visit to Orange Co. will turn all smoke, not because
Cousin Julia is coming but, the times are so dull I
should hardly feel at liberty to spend money unnecessa-
rily – and Father & yourself are so much better I do not
feel so much anxiety on your account — but I can hardly
tell yet how it may be – I had a letter from G.W.S.
Birth: 1808-08-26 Death: 1888-12-07
he urges
me hard I have a great mind to go on purpose to see him.
We are still hesitating about moving, the Dr
Birth: 1798-11-26 Death: 1865-01-05
continues very
anxious to emigrate to Illinoise I should be glad to go to Erie
if there was any change at all for us – and the Dr I think would
not object – but the times are so hard I do not much like to
urge a move now.
Page 3

I have been thinking if Henry
Birth: 1801-05-16 Death: 1872-10-10
came to Phil a & this spring
it would be a good opportunity for me to go on with him.
I do so much dread travelling alone – and it is next
to impossible for a stranger to come in and attend to
the business of this little office without committing so
many blunders.
Little Mary Seward grows finely I wish my dear Mother
you could see my little family in their "Sunday Suits" –
for like all children they look best when a little fixed
up – they are all lively and we think intelligent, and
I do most sincerely hope they will be good –
Birth: 1834-07-25 Death: 1922-02-28
has the greatest ambitions to work,
she says she will come down and m[ ake ]


Reason: hole

the fire, and grind the coffee & Mary
shall call Father & Mother to breakfast – she is
wonderfully happy in anticipations — she walks to meeting
and back as lively as a little bee.
Aunt Charlotte
is our very kind neighbor still, always
enquires after Mama very kindly –
Uncle Mahlon
Birth: 1770-04-17 Death: 1853-10-05
and Augustus have both been very ill –
better now.
Remember us all to the kind friends who enquire after
our welfare – Poor Mr Curtis
is gone I hope he was ready –
this country is the most healthy place ever I saw – a great
many people going West dies there.
Please write soon,
Yours most affectionately
L. Cornelia
Page 4

Mrs Mary Seward
Orange Co.
Bargaintown N.J. M.D. Canfield Mar 26 P.M.


Type: postmark

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Mary Seward

Birth: 1769-11-27 Death: 1844-12-11
My Dear George