Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Miller Worden, March 13, 1842

  • Posted on: 19 December 2017
  • By: admin
Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Miller Worden, March 13, 1842



student editor


Distributor:Seward Family Digital Archive

Institution:University of Rochester

Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections


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Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Miller Worden, March 13, 1842

action: sent

sender: Frances Seward
Birth: 1805-09-24  Death: 1865-06-21

location: Albany, NY

receiver: Lazette Worden
Birth: 1803-11-01  Death: 1875-10-03

location: Canandaigua, NY

transcription: axa 

revision: crb 2017-11-06

Page 1

Sunday Morning March 13th
My dear Sister,
I have this morning received your Friday's letter
and being detained from Church by rheumatism I will answer
it without delay. It was undoubtedly Billy Bostwicks
Birth: 1797-02-19 Death: 1845-10-06
Birth: 1809-05-01 Death: 1845-09-28

who wrote the letter to Col Young
Birth: 1779 Death: 1850-11-03
– Do you remember I went in
company with her to the Utica Convention and described her
as a remarkably intelligent woman – I admired the talent
exhibited in the letter and deplored the shocking taste of the
comment – as you did – My enquiries about the calls of
the Martins
was in consequence of Harriet
saying to me
the day we met – “The last time I saw you Mrs Seward
I called upon you at Canandaigua” thereby intimating as I
supposed that it was now my turn to call – but this
is very unimportant – Last Tuesday a “damp moist” day
I went out in the morning to invite some ladies to spend
the next evening with me “sociably” a very indefinite
term in Albany – of the twenty two or three invited 7 came
and a dozen gentlemen – Those who came were the Ladies
from Congress Hall, Mrs J. I. Townsend
Birth: 1790-01-12 Death: 1849-08-17
, Miss Bullins
, and Mrs
Birth: 1813 Death: 1873-04-29
– The others invited were Brinkerhoofs
Birth: 1777-10-03 Death: 1868-07-25
x Birth: 1813  Death: 1859  Birth: 1779-10-09  Death: 1849-07-19 
x Birth: 1767-01-14  Death: 1846-07-30  Birth: 1763-01-14  Death: 1849-07-19 

[top Margin] suffer by the loss of the information communicated in that lecture than
about his pecuniary loss – but I thought he had, very
little to expect from the exertion of people of this
description – The Trojan meanness
must await another communication – I was so vexed that I
told him no apology could be made for the people of my state
He has gone to Massachusetts

Page 2

x Birth: 1791  Death: 1869-12-30  Birth: 1785-11-07  Death: 1862-07-15 
&c — With the assistance of a new chemical oil
lamp of McIntosh's
I succeeded in lighting our dark rooms
having added to our former stock of lights 3 girandoles and
a pair of 3 light brackets – The ice cream and jelly &
charlotte russe I put on a table in the dining room
on another table had coffee and chocolate – Lemonade
and cakes were passed around as the company came –
This is to be the whole of the entertainment for my guests
as I think Henry
Birth: 1801-05-16 Death: 1872-10-10
must have surfeited all the guests with
oysters and pheasants – his parties continue yet – one each week
I believe the evening passed off pleasantly – our guests departed at
1/2 past 11 – indeed I was incapable of judging having taken
cold the previous day I was obliged to go to bed before the
company came and through the evening suffered greatly with
the distress of my head – I have since had what I call rheumatism
in different parts of my system and I am yet thereby rendered fully
uncomfortable though able to go about the house – The next evening
Birth: 1862-09-11 Death: 1921-10-05
party came off – I was sorry to be too ill to see either
the company or Mr Ball
our old dancing master – I kept my
bed much of the day – the noise of the young people kept me
up until they dispersed that night – young girls have very
Page 3

shrill voices and an astonishing propensity to jump down stairs
and scream loudly on the slightest provocation – The game
of tag which the boys played in the hall was not the most
quiet amusement imaginable and the poor piano I think has
lost all the benefit of its recent tuning – However I hope they enjoyed
themselves – Fred
Birth: 1830-07-08 Death: 1915-04-25
and one of the Dix boys
x Birth: 1829-11-29  Death: 1852  Birth: 1827-11-01  Death: 1908-04-29 
spent the whole evening
looking at plates and playing back gammon – Ma said he to me
when he came to bed “Morgan and Baldwin Dix seemed to change characters
to night – Baldwin was grave and Morgan merry – There was a game
of tag played, in which Morgan participated and against which
Baldwin protested” – Clarence devoted himself entirely to the
fair sex saying tender things to all individually and collectively, and
managing to be every where at all times – Upon the whole then
though they were pretty noisy I think the young people behaved
with infitely infinitely more propriety and decorum than did
their seniors a year ago – The usual refreshment for the dancing
parties were given – Lemonade cake and mottoes– They all left
by 10 oclock – The next night came Henry’s supper which
passed off as usual and is in reality, though there are about
60 guests about as little trouble as either of the others – So you
see we have had a pretty busy week – I have dealt in ice cream jelly
and Charlotte russe until I shall never desire to encounter any mo[ re ]



Next This week if I am well enough I must have another
party of ladies – Henry also has another supper – The weather
has changed to cold again – I am anxious about Augustus
Birth: 1826-10-01 Death: 1876-09-11

having no letter last week – Pa
Birth: 1772-04-11 Death: 1851-11-13
does not come – I hear nothing of
home – Willis Hall
Birth: 1801 Death: 1868
saw Dickens
Birth: 1812-02-07 Death: 1870-06-09
while at Boston – He says
Birth: 1815-05-19 Death: 1879-11-22
intend to return to England in May if such is the case they
will probably be here some time in April – Can you resist this in-
ducement to come down next month – I am told that Mrs
Dickens is sick at N. York – he has gone to Washington so I suppose
she cannot be seriously ill – O I have not told you that Sam
Birth: 1820-03-09 Death: 1893-07-07

has gone off – it was rather funny – He never intimated that he
was going in a month until Monday morning (having spent the previous
evening at Congress Hall) he announced his intention of going that afternoon
but said not a word of the Lymans
x Birth: 1813  Death:   Birth: 1804  Death: 1869 
going too although he has all along
talked very freely about them – I was at Congress Hall Friday when
the ladies engaged to visit me early the next week – I heard no more
from them until I was told they left town Monday afternoon very unexpectedly
Of course the report is freely circulated that they are to be married
immediately which is without foundation – indeed I think it
would be quite absurd for them to be married in N.Y. but for
I young gentleman who dislikes to be talked about I think this is rather
Page 4

singular movement – Bowen
Birth: 1808-02-25 Death: 1886-09-29Certainty: Probable
was here yesterday ^Thursday^ but could give no
account of the cause of this unpremeditated movement – I have
numerous amusing anecdotes in reserve – too numerous and
withal of too delicate a nature to write – I went Monday
evening to hear Maj. Tochman’s
Birth: 1797 Death: 1880-12-20
last lecture – it was very interesting – He
called to see me Sa Tuesday and related a list of his grievances – I
really felt very sorry – he has been very shabbily treated here and
at Troy – The first two lectures were given free of expense especially
for the benefit of the members of the Legislature, at the Assembly chamber
after the first or 2nd lecture the members some of them proposed making a
contribution – he told them he should give one more lecture for which
tickets would be sold and that if they preferred they could contribute
in that way – it was so decided – When the last night came
Mrs Alvah Worden


Type: postmark



Type: postmark

Paid W.H.S.

[right Margin] the lecture was given at the Academy and not 10 of the
members were present – his ^the^ whole amount of money received
amounted to $26 – his expenses exceeded $50 – so much
for Albany and the liberal members of the Legislature
he seemed more grieved that his country would

[bottom Margin] Tell Frances
Birth: 1826-12-12 Death: 1909-08-24
the boys have a play written with a part which they expect
her to enact when she comes – I am assailed with enquiries
whenever I receive a letter – I think Mr Wood’s
must be worthy of an exhibition – I am surprised that he does
not get up something of the kind previous to presentation –