Letter from William Henry Seward, Jr. to Frances Miller Seward, October 27, 1855

  • Posted on: 3 May 2022
  • By: admin
Letter from William Henry Seward, Jr. to Frances Miller Seward, October 27, 1855



student editor


Distributor:Seward Family Digital Archive

Institution:University of Rochester

Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections


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Letter from William Henry Seward, Jr. to Frances Miller Seward, October 27, 1855

action: sent

sender: William Seward
Birth: 1839-06-18  Death: 1920-04-29

location: Auburn, NY

receiver: Frances Seward
Birth: 1805-09-24  Death: 1865-06-21

location: Unknown

transcription: maf 

revision: zz 2021-08-28


Page 1

Auburn Oct 27 ^1855^
My Dear Mother
I do not think
that Watch
 Death: 1856-04-29
would stand a very good
chance of getting fed if he were left for
the Irish Woman
to take care of for she
sed you sed that she must not
give him eny thing for supper & Breakfas-
t but Milk and Meat for dinner
she is very mad at this time because
I will not have a carpenter come and
make that Door large enough for her to
go through. I came home at 8 oc[ l ]


Reason: wax-seal
the other night and she came out at
the door and Pat
after her with
a broom stick. it was dark so that
she could not see me asked if
it was dinner and I sed no wen she
Page 2

ran in and Pat after her
looked at the door and blew out the
light and I did not see enys
more of them till the morning I
do not think that it will do to let
her to have the key. I took supper at Mrs
Birth: 1805-01-29 Death: 1860
other evening and she invite-
d me to come down eny[ eny ]

Alternate Text

Alternate Text: any
time and take
Dinne[ r ]


Reason: wax-seal
or supper with them. to day I am
Invited up to Mr Burts
Birth: 1773-05-03 Death: 1859-02-03Certainty: Probable
to Dinner but
not think I shall go for I always get
a good dinner at after
After to night Fred Howes
Birth: 1835
is going to
stay with me I am getting along very
nice here to day. I shall git two
or thr[ ee ]


Reason: wax-seal
Lo[ a ]


Reason: wax-seal
ves of B[ r ]


Reason: wax-seal
ead for the dog so
so that he can have sum thing but Milk
I have fed him all of the cake and
Page 3

Aunty Clary
Birth: 1793-05-01 Death: 1862-09-05
is going to Make
me a Pie and Mrs Watrous is
going to make me a cake so that I
am well taken care of Aunty Clary
sends her Love to all
Your [ Affectenate ]

Alternate Text

Alternate Text: affectionate
Wm. H Seward Jr