People Database

O'Connell, Daniel

O'Sullivan , John Louis

O'Sullivan , Mary

Oakes, Charles

Oakes, Charles Henry

Oakes, David Owen

Oakes, James

Oakes, Julia Hudon ()

Oakes, Rosanna

Oakes, Theodore

Oaks Smith, Elizabeth ()

Oaksmith, Appleton ()

OBrien, Ann

OBrien, Emma Willard ()

Odell, Moses Fowler ()

Odell, Samuel ()

of Alexandria, Demetrius I

of Alexandria, Leonides

of Antioch, Ignatius

Of Braganza, Catherine

of England, Henry VIII

of England, Henry I

of England, Richard III

of England, Stephen I

of England, William II

of England, William I

of France, Louis IX ()

of France, Louis XII ()

of France, Marie-Therese-Charlotte ()

of Greece, George I

of Hippo, Augustine ()

of Lindisfarne, Aidan ()

of Loyola, Ignatius

of Macedon, Alexander III

of Mercia, Wulfhere

of Portugal, Isabella ()

of Scotland, David I

of Scotland, David II

of Scotland, James II

of Scotland, James V ()

of Scotland, Malcom II

of Smyrna, Polycarp

of Spain, Philip II ()

of Sparta, Lycurgus

of Swabia, Philip

of Thebes, Paul

of Valois, Madeleine ()

of Wurttemberg, Sophie ()

Ogden , William Butler ()

Ogden, Abigail

Ogden, Charles Cullen ()

Ogden, Henrietta Maria ()

Ogden, James Lawrence

Ogden, Mahlon Dickerson ()

Ogden, Richard Livingston ()

Ogden, Thomas Ludlow

Ogden, William H

Ogle, Anne Charlotte ()

Ogle, Charles

Ogle, Mary

Oglesby, Richard James ()

Ohlenschlager, Ludwig Emil ()

Olcott, Franklin ()

Oldenburg, Anne

Olin, Abram Baldwin ()

Olin, William H. ()

Oliphant, Henry

Oliphant, John Henry

Oliphant, Richard


Oliver, Phoebe ()

Oliver, William Morrison

Olmstead, Sarah

Olney, Clarissa

Onderdonk, Benjamin Treadwill

Oothout, Edward ()

Oothout, John ()

Oothout, Julia Caroline ()

Oothout, Maria Josephine ()

Opdyke, George

Orange-Nassau, Marianne Wilhelmina Frederika Louisa Charlotte

Orcutt, Jasper James

Ord, Edward Otho Cresap ()

Ornano, Maria ()

Orr, Alexander ()

Orr, Eliza ()

Orr, James Lawrence

Orr, Jehu Amaziah

Orton, Caroline

Orton, Charles

Orton, Gerrit VanZandt

Orton, Janette

Orton, Rosamond

Orton, William

Osborn, Anna Barnett

Osborn, Eliza

Osborn, Marcus Brutus

Osborn, Mariah

Osborn, Mary Barnett

Osborn, Thomas Ogden

Osborne, Abby Jane ()

Osborne, David Munson ()

Osborne, Eliza ()

Osborne, Florence ()

Osborne, George Barton

Osborne, Henry

Osborne, Lyman

Osborne, Mary

Osborne, Nathan

Osborne, Porter W.

Osborne, Thomas Mott ()

Osborne, Thomas Albert

Osborne, William Godolphin ()

Osler, Thomas ()

Osten Sacken, Carl Robert

Ostrander, Peter

Ostrom, John H.

Ostrom, Joshua Ward

Otis, George Edmund ()

Otis, Harrison Gray

Otis, Katharine Maria ()

Ouseley, William Gore ()

Owen, Daniel

Owen, Daniel C

Owen, Robert Dale

Owens, Frank ()

Oytana, Giovanni Battista ()