Person Information


CEF - Possibly found in 18620620FMS_FWS1. Dr and Mrs Hall are happy about Muhl's possible liberation. And in 18630606FMS_WHS "A petition is to be
sent to the President 
from New York  for 
the insane convict
Muhl - a German-
of whom I have written.
	The Dr hopes the
pardon may be obtained
and sent before Muhl
is recommitted to the
prison as he is sure
such a step will
induce a return of
insanity– and the Dr.
successor, Van Anden 
intends to return him.
The Dr also asks as
an especial favour
that the pardon may
be transmitted through
my hands, as he
wishes to make some 
provision for the safety
and comfort of Muhl
before he is sent away.
You will probably
see the reasons for
this. I wish the poor
convicts were to have
another as humane a
Physician as Dr Hall
has proved to be."


Biography and Citation Information:
CEF - Possibly found in 18620620FMS_FWS1. Dr and Mrs Hall are happy about Muhl's possible liberation. And in 18630606FMS_WHS "A petition is to be sent to the President from New York for the insane convict Muhl - a German- of whom I have written. The Dr hopes the pardon may be obtained and sent before Muhl is recommitted to the prison as he is sure such a step will induce a return of insanity– and the Dr. successor, Van Anden intends to return him. The Dr also asks as an especial favour that the pardon may be transmitted through my hands, as he wishes to make some provision for the safety and comfort of Muhl before he is sent away. You will probably see the reasons for this. I wish the poor convicts were to have another as humane a Physician as Dr Hall has proved to be."
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Citation for Death Info:
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