Person Information


Almeron was a Lawyer by profession who practiced in Albion, Orleans County, New York and served as Justice of the Peace there as well. Almeron never married. \\\\\

His birth is listed as Apr. 20, 1798 and his death as Sep. 16, 1859 on another Find A Grave link: According to this page, "Almeron Cole was born in Auburn, NY to Dr. Joseph and Sarah (Hyde) Cole. He later moved to Albion, NY and worked as a lawyer with his brother Dan Hyde Cole. 

Both his father and mother's ancestors were early (1600's) immigrants from England to Hartford, CT.

Almeron was a NY State Senator in 1848-1849.

Almeron never married and in 1850 he was living at the Hopkins Hotel in Albion, NY. Later, he lived at an upscale boarding house run by the King family in Albion. Many professional people lived there (lawyers, engineers, physicians, musicians, etc.) and there were many servants who doted on the paying guests. (It must have been an interesting place).
Almeron died at age 62 and was buried at Union Cemetery in Albion, NY."

Letter References


Biography and Citation Information:
Almeron was a Lawyer by profession who practiced in Albion, Orleans County, New York and served as Justice of the Peace there as well. Almeron never married. \\\\\ His birth is listed as Apr. 20, 1798 and his death as Sep. 16, 1859 on another Find A Grave link: According to this page, "Almeron Cole was born in Auburn, NY to Dr. Joseph and Sarah (Hyde) Cole. He later moved to Albion, NY and worked as a lawyer with his brother Dan Hyde Cole. Both his father and mother's ancestors were early (1600's) immigrants from England to Hartford, CT. Almeron was a NY State Senator in 1848-1849. Almeron never married and in 1850 he was living at the Hopkins Hotel in Albion, NY. Later, he lived at an upscale boarding house run by the King family in Albion. Many professional people lived there (lawyers, engineers, physicians, musicians, etc.) and there were many servants who doted on the paying guests. (It must have been an interesting place). Almeron died at age 62 and was buried at Union Cemetery in Albion, NY."
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