Person Information


Brother Jonathon was the personification of America before Uncle Sam. The expression "Brother Jonathon" dates back to the English Civil War when it was used as an insulting nickname for the puritans and opponents of the king. Historians tell a story of Washington meeting with officers during the American Revolution and exclaiming that "we must consult brother Jonathon," in reference to Connecticut Governor Jonathon Trumbull. After the Revolution "Brother Jonathon" became personified as a lanky man with a beard, top hat and striped pants. He was used to represent America in political cartoons. During the War of 1812, the personfication of the United States as Brother Jonathon gave way to the personification of the United States as Uncle Sam.  

Letter References


Biography and Citation Information:

Brother Jonathon was the personification of America before Uncle Sam. The expression "Brother Jonathon" dates back to the English Civil War when it was used as an insulting nickname for the puritans and opponents of the king. Historians tell a story of Washington meeting with officers during the American Revolution and exclaiming that "we must consult brother Jonathon," in reference to Connecticut Governor Jonathon Trumbull. After the Revolution "Brother Jonathon" became personified as a lanky man with a beard, top hat and striped pants. He was used to represent America in political cartoons. During the War of 1812, the personfication of the United States as Brother Jonathon gave way to the personification of the United States as Uncle Sam.  

Citation Type: 
Citation URL:
Title of Webpage: 
New England Historical Society
Website Viewing Date: 
Friday, March 8, 2019 - 12:00
Website's Last Modified Date: 
Friday, March 8, 2019 - 12:00
Citation Type: 
Website Viewing Date: 
Friday, March 8, 2019 - 12:00
Website's Last Modified Date: 
Friday, March 8, 2019 - 12:00
Author(s) or Editor(s): 
Winifred Morgan
Citation for Birth Info:
Citation for Death Info: