Book Holdings

  • United States and Mexico. Commerce, Trade and Postal Facilities

    Author: Butterfield, Carlos
    Imprint: Privately printed: New York City; 1861
    Extent: 188 pp
    Subject(s): Miscellaneous

    Copy 1 -
    Repository: Seward House Museum
    Notes: Full title: United States and Mexico. Commerce, Trade and Postal Facilities Between the Two Countries. Statistics of Mexico. Inscription: "To the Hon. Wm H. Seward with assurances of the high respect and esteem of the, Author New York February 1868

    Copy 2 -
    Repository: Seward House Museum
    Notes: Full title: United States and Mexico. Commerce, Trade and Postal Facilities Between the Two Countries. Statistics of Mexico Full inscription: "Honl. Wm. H. Seward with Respects of "The Author" Jany 1861."

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