Letter from Lazette Miller Worden to Frances Miller Seward, May 19, 1822

  • Posted on: 9 March 2016
  • By: admin
Letter from Lazette Miller Worden to Frances Miller Seward, May 19, 1822



student editor


Distributor:Seward Family Digital Archive

Institution:University of Rochester

Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections


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Letter from Lazette Miller Worden to Frances Miller Seward, May 19, 1822

action: sent

sender: Lazette Worden
Birth: 1803-11-01  Death: 1875-10-03

location: Auburn, NY

receiver: Frances Seward
Birth: 1805-09-24  Death: 1865-06-21


transcription: kac 

revision: ekk 2015-09-08

Page 1

May 19th.
I has just returned from church of course heard a Sermon from
Mr. Smith
pretty good. but do not expect an account of it.
The parson has much leisure this Spring for the[ re ]


is no match making on
hand. They have removed to the house Mr. Sturges
occupied last season.
And Mr. S. has purchased the one they left of course we have them for
neighbors. Apropos Joel
Birth: 1796-06-09 Death: 1876-11-14Certainty: Probable
and Mary
are expected out this week. I doubt
whether the latter comes or not. I believe I told you some time ago that
there was an increase of population expected in the vicinity of Waterloo
soon. Joel has very wisely confirmed the report. They were spending
an evening at James McClanes
the discourse happened to turn on do-
mestick concerns. Among other things Mary said they had plenty
of [hole] on hand—'yes' says Joe[ l ]


"and we have some young [hole]
[hole] oring.'!_ _!! I wish the fools would adopt his father's
making stone children for I am heartily tired of the sqahagen squash
generation. Sprague
has just been here with his child
Birth: 1821 Death: 1885-10-25Certainty: Possible
its name
is William Henry don't you admire it? Mrs. Cumming
Birth: 1781-07-13 Death: 1832-08-08Certainty: Possible
has not yet
gone to Rochester Cumming
Birth: 1776-07-15 Death: 1863-01-09
came for her last week but their child
was so sick She did not like to leave it. Mrs. Service
has commenced
house keeping by herself or at least in a room by herself her mother

lives in one part of the house. I write so often it is impossible to find
any news to fill up my letters. Do tell May A.
Birth: 1805-05-02 Death: 1848-01-09Certainty: Probable
I am expecting a letter soon.
All the family are well send love yours affectionately Theodora
P.S. Ward
is soon going to the east. If you wish for any articles of clothing
from home do write and I will make and send them. Now don't fail.

[right Margin]
I cannot close without asking two very important questions. Pray what is the meaning
of the discription of P
horse and George's
fox written bottom side upwards
in your letter? We concluded you were all crazy when it was done.
Nextly I understand there were a great many Troy gentlemen at Florida to see you.
Won't you tell us who they were. Do write soon. L.M.

[top Margin] I tell everyone you are much pleased.
Page 2

laugh I will leave you in the comfortable enjoyment of your mirth to ask
a few simple questions. In the first place Why did not Henry
Birth: 1801-05-16 Death: 1872-10-10
pany you to Troy? Are we to infer from this that he was so unaccustomed
to using any politeness that he was ^and so^ much fatigued with what he extended
to you at Florida and therefore was determined to give it up as a hard task?
No I cannot believe this for to tell the truth after all I am a little prepossessed
in his favour. Nextly, who did Mr. S
..... introduce to you as beaux on
this occasion? You say it was a Mr. F
..... but whether he was Dr. Fow-
of whom you had before spoken or Sir T. Fallstaff or Mr. Frisk
Certainty: Probable

a Fish or Fight or Fidget or Frump, or Flummery or Fool I cannot with
certainty determine. Perhaps these names will all apply to him at
different times. Like Falstaff when you first saw him he might have
been drunk and forgotten his name. He in all probability frisked when
he was introduced to two such "interesting and intelligent" young ladies.
Had the small boat sunk he would have swam like a fish to have
saved you. I know he wanted to fight when he saw Reed
Birth: 1797 Death: 1849
you so much attention. He had the fidgets when you received it with
such apparent satisfaction. And he was without any question a
fool to suffer him to usurp your whole attention, without making
any resistance. Reed really made quite a speculation by the journey!
We at first thought he took charge of you out of pure politeness, but instead
of that it was for pay. What a mean sordid dishonorable puppy!
I never can speak another good natural work to him. When I first heard
of it I was determined to get a trumpet and march as straight as
I could through the scuttle on top of the house & proclaim it aloud
Page 3

that "Myron C. Reed sold poor civility by the half ounce" but
our good grandma
Birth: 1751 Death: 1835-10-03
protested against it with all her might say-
ing "he is a good christian man who is honest and upright
in his dealings." Notwithstanding I thought myself "as much
a christian man as he is such." I con-
cluded to hush up the matter for fear he might throw me into the N.
River, for spite if ever we should meet there.
Without turning Edinburgh Reviewer in order to criticize your letter I must
beg leave to find fault with some part of the Sunday night picture you
have drawn. You seem to owe me a particular spite on this occasion
for after disposing of the rest of the family in a manner at once agreeable
and rational—you thrust me into a niche with an image (of the molten
kind) yeleped Bronson
Birth: 1792 Death: 1857-06-20Certainty: Possible
. However I've taken the liberty to thrust myself out
again with great speed to ask you what is meant by such an insult?
I have hardly spoken to the man since our "unhappy difference" last winter
and I have abundant reason to be thankful it took place. I suppose
you thought it was a time for reflection, and not conversation. But
methinks meditations on the deformities of nature are rather unsuit-
able unpleasant subjects for the Sabbath.
I was at Mr. Hills
Birth: 1785-11-04 Death: 1856-09-25
a few evenings since. Eleazer told me a long story
about his seeing you on the steam boat your sending a card of.
Miss Baisscle
very often visits us she always enquires after you. Do
remember her she is an excellent girl and one of my favorites.
P.S. I am very unhappy to hear you are discontented at Troy. Although we wish
to see you I shall advise you to remain until Mary Ann returns in
the fall. You will soon be more contented when you have begun your studies.
Page 4

Hand Shiftx

Lazette Worden

Birth: 1803-11-01 Death: 1875-10-03
Miss Francis Adeline Miller
MAY 21

