Letter from Louisa Cornelia Seward Canfield to William Henry Seward, February 23, 1829
Letter from Louisa Cornelia Canfield to William Henry Seward, February 23, 1829
student editorTranscriber:spp:sss
Distributor:Seward Family Digital Archive
Institution:University of Rochester
Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections
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Letter from Louisa Cornelia Canfield to William Henry Seward, February 23, 1829
action: sent
sender: Louisa Canfield
Birth: 1805
Death: 1839-01-04
location: Bargaintown, NJ
receiver: William Seward
Birth: 1801-05-16
Death: 1872-10-10
location: Auburn, NY
transcription: keh
revision: crb 2016-02-03
Bargentown Feb 23 r
My dear dear Brother
Once I could go to you with all my
joy or sorrow as my best friend my only comforter that tho'
we have lived in ignorance since of each others
existence, but now my dear Brother once more be my
kind friend or be my ^own^ dear dear Brother sympathize
with me, for the Lord has sorely afflicted me.
My dear Henry he has taken from me my child
my beautiful my darling babe – you are a Parent
and can in some measure realize my feelings
none but a Mothere can know the tenderness of
my love. Oh he was a dear babe so sweet he had
entwined himself around our hearts – but the Lord in
mercy has taken from us to make him an heir of
Eternal Glory – and we hope and trust he has filled
the space left in our hearts with Himself.
I am sure we feel the consolation of the Spirit
our precious child was removed by Croup on the 19th
his death was easey and sweet almost without a
struggle – indeed without, without moving scarce a
feature – do you not feel for his lonely Mother?
Oh if you do be entreated of by her listen to her
prayers that you may not as we did neglect to
offer your Son
He will most assuredly punnish those who live
in neglect of his holy commands – be awakened my
beloved Brother.
Our little Augustus was six months and a
few days old – think of what yours was at
that age, ours was to us dear as our hearts
blood, but blessed be the consolation of the
spirit which has ennabled us to bear his loss
with some composure – oh I wish I had the tongue
to express what pleasure what joy there is in
serving the Lords.
Give my love to Frances
little Augustus for his Aunt.
Remember me in my affliction
Your affectionate Sister Cornelia
Wm H. Seward Esqr
Cayuga County
New York
Mays Landing N Y
Feby 23rd
Type: postmark
Cornelia Canfield
February 23
Bargentown Feb 23 r
My dear dear Brother
Once I could go to you with all my
joy or sorrow as my best friend my only comforter that tho'
we have lived in ignorance since of each others
existence, but now my dear Brother once more be my
kind friend or be my ^own^ dear dear Brother sympathize
with me, for the Lord has sorely afflicted me.
My dear Henry he has taken from me my child
Birth: 1828-08-12 Death: 1829-02-19
my beautiful my darling babe – you are a Parent
and can in some measure realize my feelings
none but a Mothere can know the tenderness of
my love. Oh he was a dear babe so sweet he had
entwined himself around our hearts – but the Lord in
mercy has taken from us to make him an heir of
Eternal Glory – and we hope and trust he has filled
the space left in our hearts with Himself.
I am sure we feel the consolation of the Spirit
our precious child was removed by Croup on the 19th
his death was easey and sweet almost without a
struggle – indeed without, without moving scarce a
feature – do you not feel for his lonely Mother?
Oh if you do be entreated of by her listen to her
prayers that you may not as we did neglect to
offer your Son
Birth: 1826-10-01 Death: 1876-09-11
morning ^and evening^ at a throne of grace.He will most assuredly punnish those who live
in neglect of his holy commands – be awakened my
beloved Brother.
Our little Augustus was six months and a
few days old – think of what yours was at
that age, ours was to us dear as our hearts
blood, but blessed be the consolation of the
spirit which has ennabled us to bear his loss
with some composure – oh I wish I had the tongue
to express what pleasure what joy there is in
serving the Lords.
Give my love to Frances
Birth: 1805-09-24 Death: 1865-06-21
tell her to kiss herlittle Augustus for his Aunt.
Remember me in my affliction
Your affectionate Sister Cornelia
Wm H. Seward Esqr
Cayuga County
New York
Mays Landing N Y
Feby 23rd
Hand Shift
Birth: 1805-09-24 Death: 1865-06-21Frances Seward
February 23