Letter from Frances Miller Seward to William Henry Seward, March 3, 1829

  • Posted on: 10 July 2017
  • By: admin
Letter from Frances Miller Seward to William Henry Seward, March 3, 1829



student editor


Distributor:Seward Family Digital Archive

Institution:University of Rochester

Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections


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Letter from Frances Miller Seward to William Henry Seward, March 3, 1829

action: sent

sender: Frances Seward
Birth: 1805-09-24  Death: 1865-06-21

location: Auburn, NY

receiver: William Seward
Birth: 1801-05-16  Death: 1872-10-10

location: New York, NY

transcription: nrs 

revision: obm 2017-03-27


Page 1

Teusday 3d
My Dear Henry – your letter sent by Smith Glover
came last
evening at the same time from the Post Office one from Cornelia
Birth: 1805 Death: 1839-01-04
you I knew by the pot postmark that it must be from her and
suspected from the black seal the intelligence it contained – Poor
Cornelia I pity her from my soul she has lost her little boy
Birth: 1828-08-12 Death: 1829-02-19

I transcribe her letter in preference to enclosing it as it will occupy
a much smaller space – I should write to her without a moment
of delay but do not know how to direct my letters be sure and
tell me when you write – Do go and see Cornelia if possible, as much as
I wish to see you I will part with you another week gladly if it
will be the means of her receiving any consolation – why do I say consolation
she can recive that but from one source He who gives us ills to
bear can alone impart the courage to support them – still she wishes
to see you and if it will be any gratification you should go –
Your portrait came yesterday after Hugh McLallen
Birth: 1791-09-07 Death: 1860-11-16
has kept it
one day – Our family who are the only ones that have seen it here think
it an excellent likeness it does look some like you even to me but
still it is not my own Henry – Mr
Birth: 1801-08-07 Death: 1879-10-12Certainty: Probable
and Mrs Lewis
Birth: 1804-11-12 Death: 1891-01-13Certainty: Probable
have been here
a day or two left this morning – Sarah

Editorial Note

Servant, or their daughter
Birth: 1829 Death: 1896
, born sometime in 1829
cryed a little but would not go
home with them – Augustus
Birth: 1826-10-01 Death: 1876-09-11
is well and wishes to write Pa a letter for
which purpose he has got a pen and paper in readiness – I have not
been able to ascertain whether the remainder of your papers have been
sent of course Pa does not think I am at all interested about these things
write immediately I am anxious to write to Cornelia – your own Frances
Bargantown Feb – 21st
My dear dear Brother
Once I could go to you with all my joy or sorrow as
my best friend my only comforter tho we have lived in ignorance since of each
others existence, but now my dear Brother once more be my kind friend or be
my own dear dear Brother sympathize with me, for the Lord has sorely afflicted
me – My Dear Henry he has taken from me my child my beautiful my
darling babe – you are a parent and can in some measure realize my feelings
none but a mother can know the tenderness of my love – Oh he was a dear babe
so sweet he had entwined himself around our hearts – but the Lord in mercy
has taken him from us to make him an heir of Eternal Glory – and we hope and trust
he has filled the space left in our hearts with himself – I am sure we feel the
consolation of the spirit – – Our precious child was removed by croup
The hinder part or buttocks of certain quadrupeds, especially of a horse; hence, the place behind the saddle • An inflammatory affection of the larynx or trachea accompanied by a horse ringing cough and difficult respiration. In the form in which it attacks chiefly young children, it is known as Cynanche tracheates, and it is apt to be attended with the formation of a false membrane which lines the trachea beneath the glottis, and tends to produce suffocation •
on the 19th
his death was easy and sweet almost without a struggle indeed without moving
scarce a feature – do you not feel for his lonely Mother? oh if you do be
entreated of her listen to her prayers that you may not as we did neglect to
offer your son morning and evening at a throne of Grace – He will most
Page 2

assuredly punish those who live in neglect of his holy commands
be awakened my beloved brother – Our little Augustus was six months
and four days old – think of what yours was at that age, ours
was dear to us as our hearts blood, but blessed be the consolation of
the Spirit which has enabled us to bear his loss with some composure
Oh I wish I had the tounge to express what pleasure what joy there
is in serving the Lord – Give my Love to Frances tell her to
kiss her little Augustus for his Aunt –
Remember me in my affliction
your affectionate sister Cornelia
Page 3

William H. Seward Esq
at Albany
To the care of Julius Rhoades
Birth: 1801-01-20 Death: 1852

Del & Hud C. Co
New York City –


Type: postmark



Type: postmark

Hand Shiftx

William Seward

Birth: 1801-05-16 Death: 1872-10-10
F.A. Seward –