Letter from Frances Miller Seward to William Henry Seward, February 25, 1831

  • Posted on: 11 January 2016
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Letter from Frances Miller Seward to William Henry Seward, February 25, 1831



student editor


Distributor:Seward Family Papers Project

Institution:University of Rochester

Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections


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Letter from Frances Miller Seward to William Henry Seward, February 25, 1831

action: sent

sender: Frances Seward
Birth: 1805-09-24  Death: 1865-06-21

location: Auburn, NY

receiver: William Seward
Birth: 1801-05-16  Death: 1872-10-10


transcription: djg 

revision: dxt 2015-09-29

Page 1

Teusday Friday night _
My Dear Henry. I have just come home from Lazette
Birth: 1803-11-01 Death: 1875-10-03
where I have
spent the day with Fred
Birth: 1830-07-08 Death: 1915-04-25
. Last night I wen sent up for her to come
down here but she had gone to meeting with Dr Bradford
Birth: 1776-05-09 Death: 1883-10-31
, to day she
had given me an account of the performance which was just the same that
Birth: 1792-08-29 Death: 1875-08-16
has had a hundred times since before. I do not know who this
clergyman is, but Lazette was so much disgusted she very much regretted
having complied with the Dr’s entreaties. This afternoon Mrs Hamilton
been up to Lazettes took tea there, she said when she first came in that
there had been a great many praying for Lazette, she appears to have
set her heart on converting her, was very anxious that she should accompany
them to meeting to night. Lazette refused and told her plainly just
what she thought of the last nights performance, the more extravagant
Lazette was in her expressions of dissatisfaction the more Mrs Hamilton
seemed pleased and called it the “strivings of the spirit”. She said
such people as Lazette who were as frank in the expression of their sen—
timents were much more easily wrought upon that such as I, who
she said was “plaistered over with self rhiteousness”. I thought this
rather a harsh expression in as much as I had been a silint silent
observer of the conversation occasionally smiling at Lazettes warmth.
has been brought to see the error of his ways. went to meeting
one night, did not sleep any, sent for Steele
in the morning, and
is now among the converted. Mrs Hamilton said that Theodore
was very anxious
to have a conversation with Pa
Birth: 1772-04-11 Death: 1851-11-13
, I hope he will not attempt it I know Pa would
not be pleased. She is full in the faith that you too will soon become a subject of
the operations of the spirit, wanted to know if you had not written any thing about
the revival in Albany. She said nothing to me said nothing to me did not even propose to me
to go to their meetings, was much grieved that she could not prevail
upon Lazette and Worden
Birth: 1797-03-06 Death: 1856-02-16
to go. Lazette is very much afraid that Spring
Page 2

has been bitten by a mad dog they were going to confine him this evening. they
were unwilling to kill him until they ascertained the truth. A mad dog was
known to be in the village this week, he bit a dog belonging to John Dill
Birth: 1804 Death: 1866
this dog of Dills has since fought with Spring. Worden separated them but did
not discover any place where Spring had been bitten. Dill thought he discovered
symptoms of madness and killed his dog. Capt. Warden
Birth: 1781-02-26 Death: 1854-10-31
who I believe is a very
good man was up there this evening, he had been 8 miles out of the village
to make enquires about the dog which but Dills’, discovered that there was
no doubt about his madness, he had bitten a number of other animals all of
which became mad, he had come home and up four dogs, one of his
own, one [ Saturlees


, one Dills, one Leonards
, and then came to advise that
Spring also be secured. It gave me the hypo. I have always suffered so much dread
from the hydrophobia. I wanted them to kill Spring immediately but Lazette
was not willing as he had licked her thumb which was sore since this affair
happened and she would rather be convinced about his being mad. I thought
in the days of my old pet Trip , that I would never willingly have another
dog in the house, although I am extravagantly fond of them, but I do not
think the gratification is any compensation for the apprehension which I
suffer. Sunday morning — Last night came your letter of Wednesday. Clary
Birth: 1793-05-01 Death: 1862-09-05

and myself went in the evening to call at Dr Pitney’s
Birth: 1786-11-18 Death: 1853-04-20
. Mrs Pitney
Birth: 1811-10-06 Death: 1838-05-09

and Mary
Birth: 1813-02-16 Death: 1893-10-14
had gone to Aurora, so we lost all that, I never saw any one so
important as the Dr was in my life, he considers it very undignified to smile
on any account, is rather less the gentleman in his own home than any where else.
I never saw a man who had lived so long in respectable society who made so
many attempts and failed so wholly in courteous behavior, he he is happily
ignorant of all this and considers himself a pattern for all the country round.
he said he had recieved two or three letters from you but never expressed the
least gratitude for your obligingness nor the least regret for your fruitless
journey to Troy any more than if you had been regularly hired to transact this
business for him. I addressed all my conversation to Dr Bradford who was there and who
I consider much the most amiable
Worthy of love; deserving of affection; lovely; loveable • Pretending or showing love •
and interesting character of the two.
Page 3

played on the 300$ piano and the Dr accompanied her with his voice,
trimmed the astral lamp and made fire in the hall occasionally. Clary was provoked
I was diverted with the performance. M. Harris
 Death: 1835-12-05Certainty: Possible


and George
Birth: 1805-10-07 Death: 1844-02
were there spending
the evening . James Horner
Birth: 1804 Death: 1874-06-12
called while we were there. James called with Eliza
Birth: 1807 Death: 1876-10-31
our house yesterday and I send this letter by him. afternoon. I have just return–
ned from church. Dr Rudd
Birth: 1779-05-24 Death: 1848-04-15
gave us a very good sermon. Serene
Birth: 1805 Death: 1884-01-19
and Clary went
to the second presbyterian church, Dr Richards
Birth: 1767-10-29 Death: 1843-08-02
preached. It is a
most lovely day, the snow will not continue long with this sunshine
Birth: 1826-10-01 Death: 1876-09-11
can hardly be kept in the house. Fred is contented now I
have come home he sits beside me playing with the tin trunk little
does he know of the value of its contents. Lazette was at Church she says
there is no alteration in Springs appearance yet. I am going up there this evening with
Serene. We called at Compstons
Birth: 1790 Death: 1850-04-03
last evening on our return from Dr Pitneys
when we passed the office Edward went in and got your letter. Pa. went
to Seneca Falls yesterday has not returned yet. Yesterday it was so pleasant I
went over to the house as we had discovered tracks up on to the steps, found all
safe, the barrel of apples frozen hard as stones and every thing in the lour part
of the ho[ use owning ]


Reason: wax-seal
to the dampness, covered with frost, the gate was frozen
so that [ I was obliged ]


Reason: wax-seal
to climb over the fence, if Mrs Hills
Birth: 1796 Death: 1863-04-22Certainty: Possible
saw me I expect
she will [ drop my ]


Reason: wax-seal
acquaintance. Sarah Bartlett
has become a [ convert ]



all in one night. So Mrs Hamiltons prayers are all answered with regard to her
own family, John Hardenburgh
Birth: 1798 Death: 1862-06-11
is another, Elicta Maxwell
another. I have
heard Mrs
and Miss Fitch
Birth: 1802 Death: 1866-07-16Certainty: Possible
. Clary said there was considerable weeping in meeting this
afternoon. I should be almost afraid to send this letter to any one but you. I should be
fearful they would think it my intention to ridicule things that are sacred.
You know. how far this is from my heart. Dont you remember our having for a by
word, “wont take no, for an answer”, this was the expression of the same Bill
that you met in Troy, he was a very clever young man & I always liked him
because he thought so much of Lazette. What bail can it be C. Archer
has married!
I will not allow that you are more interested about the Tracy's
x Birth: 1800  Death: 1876  Birth: 1793-06-17  Death: 1859-09-12 
than I am, of course
you esteem them more because you know them and I do not. Will they not stop
and make us a visit when they return home in the Spring, I know they will
be disappointed in me just as every one is who knows you or Lazette first. you like
Tracy more than Weed
Birth: 1797-11-15 Death: 1882-11-22
do you not? or are you more proud of his preference?
^I must dispatch this^ letter to James, he goes
in the morning – your own Frances
Page 4

William H. Seward _
Mr Horner _

Hand Shiftx

William Seward

Birth: 1801-05-16 Death: 1872-10-10
F.A. Seward
28 Feb. 1831