Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Miller Worden, October 7, 1833

  • Posted on: 10 July 2017
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Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Miller Worden, October 7, 1833



student editor


Distributor:Seward Family Digital Archive

Institution:University of Rochester

Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections


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Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Miller Worden, October 7, 1833

action: sent

sender: Frances Seward
Birth: 1805-09-24  Death: 1865-06-21

location: Auburn, NY

receiver: Lazette Worden
Birth: 1803-11-01  Death: 1875-10-03

location: Aurora, NY

transcription: obm 

revision: crb 2017-01-23

Page 1

Monday morning 7th Sept

Editorial Note

September 7, 1833 was a Saturday. October 7 was a Monday

My Dear Sister, I have arisen early this morning to write you a
letter but there is no apology for lying in bed when the sun shines
so brightly into the window as it does this morning - Yesterday
we had a lowly day but I summoned sufficient resolution to go
to Church in the afternoon and hear a good sermon from Mr
Birth: 1799 Death: 1839-08-25
– the Church was thinly attended and everybody looked
cold and blue just as I felt – Grandma
Birth: 1751 Death: 1835-10-03
has not come home yet
Birth: 1772-04-11 Death: 1851-11-13
and Augustus
Birth: 1826-10-01 Death: 1876-09-11
went out for her last Wednesday but old Mrs
Birth: 1758 Death: 1833-10-07
would not consent that she should come away – Pa has
not been well enough to go since has another attack of rheumatism
that is gout – does that not walk about much but has not had any
physician – Friday Maria Hall
Birth: 1796-07-10
spent the afternoon here Clary
Birth: 1793-05-01 Death: 1862-09-05

had gone out with Eliza Horner
Birth: 1807 Death: 1876-10-31
to make some calls and did not
come home to tea so I had Maria’s visit all to myself she wished
me to urge you to come there and stay two or three days - this is
very kind but I could not but think of the observation you once
made which struck me very forcibly at the time and I have
never thought of it since without being more and more convinced
of its truth - you may remember it so I will not repeat it, it
was one the subject of hospitality — It is a lamentable fact but a
fact notwithstanding - I never knew an exception - I told Maria
that I doubted very much you would come to the village
at all before Henry
Birth: 1801-05-16 Death: 1872-10-10
came home and then you would stay
with us of course - so you have the invitation and in the mean
time can be reflecting on the delights of a visit with
Uncle Peter
and Maria’s snuff box - on Teusday also the stove
was put up in the vestibule to the dining room where that
ponderous hunk is situated - the pipe runs through the dining
room - then there was a cold dinner prepared for Sunday
when Gus Kellogg
Birth: 1803-07-03 Death: 1871-10-30
was expected over and provisions was made
sufficient for 20 men - a quarter of pig roasted two fowls
roasted &c boiled with pork - and a piece of boiled corned
beef — all this with pickles bread crackers &c was put on
the table in the dining room according to directions yester-
day morning — unfortunately Gus did not come and Pa Beards-
Birth: 1783-11-09 Death: 1857-05-11
Birth: 1806-03-27 Death: 1879-12-02
(a young man in the office) and Capt Sherburne
the collation to themselves — but more of this verbally
They had just left the table when we came home from
church in the afternoon and went away soon after — had
called for one of Henry’s letters by way of entertainment
which Sarah produced and Beardsley read with a sonorous voice
Page 2

I have not been out of the house since I wrote before except one evening
to do a little shopping when it was very dark and cold & part of
way home with Maria Hall the evening she visited me - I am
undoubtedly thought very unsocial and wish I did feel more
disposition to visit but the little inclination I once had seems
to have very much diminished since you went away -
Nothing more from Henry yet though I perceive that another
Havre packet has arrived which left on the 25 of August
I have not heard anything more from Birdsall
Birth: 1791-05-14 Death: 1872-02-08
but presume
he has recovered - I sent for you plants on Friday that
is I actually persuaded
To influence by argument, advice, or intreaty • To convince by arguments, or reasons offered •
Peter to go for them after telling
him to do so every day for the last 2 weeks - they look
very flourishing though the earth around them was hard
and dry - the rose tree had a beautiful bright rose upon it
I shall not finish this letter until I receive yours-
Monday evening - This afternoon George Wood
Birth: 1805-10-07 Death: 1844-02
presented himself
and gave me the letters you sent by him - they have just
returned - I hope you will not send the others until you
have read them as much as you desire for I am in no
hurry for them - I will send the other the first opportunity I
will not say when - Clary comes because you may be again
disappointed - I knew you would be very much disappointed
that she did not come on Saturday but Grandma being
from home and the preparation for the dinner on Sunday
prevented her - she wishes very much to go and I think
will stay a day or two - Your Sunday letter came this
evening and I am writing now fearing that I will not
have time in the morning before the stage leaves but
my eyes are so troublesome that it is almost impossible
for me to do so - and I shall soon be obliged to desist -
I am apprehensive sometimes that I shall lose my eye
sight entirely - but trouble will come soon enough without
being anticipated - I was at Ethan Wordens
Birth: 1803-10-21 Death: 1861-03-22
store the
other evening - there was no appearence of new goods
and Ethan was not there I presume he has not been
down yet - you did not tell me how many yards to
get - I am sure dearest it is not necessary for me to
say that I do not feel anything that I can do to oblige
you a trouble - I will ascertain tomorrow whether Ethan has
Page 3

gone - I do not know that I mentioned to you in my last
letter that I had called on Mrs Worden
Birth: 1782-12-19
at the Exchange
where she is boarding - Ethan’s wife
Birth: 1804-06-10 Death: 1883-12-18
was just coming away
as we went in and looked very cross at us - this is
a penalty that everyone has to pay for living in a large
house people will make themselves believe that you
think you are too good to call on them if they
are not called upon - for my part it seems to me
that I should feel as I do feel when I am away from
home A quite satisfied with a limited number of
acquaintances — I cannot now manage to call upon
all with whom I am on visiting terms once a year
and the remainder of the inhabitants undoubtedly think
excessive pride the consequences of their being neglected —
Perhap you will think I overrate the estimation in which
I am held but I know the world too well to think that the small
degree of importance with which I am invested arises from
any intrinsick merit - I have been led to make these observations
now from having recently met a number of people
whom these feelings were so obvious that they could hardly
disguise their ill will - Debby


says that Mrs Jones
Birth: 1787-01-10 Death: 1864-11-19
says that Eliza
Birth: 1810-01-15 Death: 1888-10-19
told her that she was to be married sometime this month
I think Minard
Birth: 1806-04-20 Death: 1888-03-13
looks some like a pirate by no means as
intellectual as the Corsair
 Publisher: Thomas Davison, Whitefriars Place of Publication:London Date: 1814
- I had a letter from Weed
Birth: 1797-11-15 Death: 1882-11-22
day and a nice letter it was that man has more heart and
more mind than commonly falls to the lot of mortals - I shall
keep the letter for you and Henry to read - he desires to be remembered
to you - he says Mr Cary
Birth: 1787-08-11 Death: 1869-06-20
has been dangerously ill - but recovered
nothing new - but the letter is written just as Weed talks
with a perfect forgetfulness of all that relates to self -
Tuesday morning ½ past 6 - I could not finish this letter last night
but have got up so early this morning for that purpose - it is
dark and unpleasant enough - has been raining all night -
Fred and Gus are in bed behaving like a pair of tigers
A fierce and rapacious animal of the genus Felis, one of the largest and most terrible of the genus, inhabiting Africa and Asia • A servant in livery, who rides with his master or mistress • A kind of growl or screech after cheering • A box or pan used in sugar refining •
which animals
they are engaged in representing - I dreamed all manner of naughty
dreams last night among other things we were all in a ship
and you fell over and drowned while I was looking on - but you
was restored to life again - it is not singular that my imagination is
Page 4

occupied with seas ships and accidents of this nature - kiss Frances
Birth: 1826-12-12 Death: 1909-08-24

for Aunty - I do not know whether Gus will come with Clary
he will not be willing to stay from me more than one night but
I will persuade him to if possible - your own Sister Frances


Type: postmark

Mrs Alvah Worden