Letter from Frances Miller Seward to William Henry Seward, December 28, 1834

  • Posted on: 10 March 2016
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Letter from Frances Miller Seward to William Henry Seward, December 28, 1834



student editor


Distributor:Seward Family Digital Archive

Institution:University of Rochester

Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections


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Letter from Frances Miller Seward to William Henry Seward, December 28, 1834

action: sent

sender: Frances Seward
Birth: 1805-09-24  Death: 1865-06-21

location: Auburn, NY

receiver: William Seward
Birth: 1801-05-16  Death: 1872-10-10

location: Albany, NY

transcription: cef 

revision: ekk 2015-08-21

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Sunday Dec 28.
My Dear Henry[ . ]


I am beginning to be very
solicitous about you, not one word have
I heard from you in a whole week and
ten days have elapsed since your last
letter was written, this unusual silence
disturbs me. You must have returned from New
as early as Wednesday and might have
written since that time (and your letter would have
reached me) had you been well. You have al-
ways been so unvaryingly kind about writing
that you see I am determined to believe you
have been prevented by nothing but illness.
I wrote last Thursday and have since been watching
hourly the arrival of a letter. I have so often
before tormented myself with fears which have proved
unfounded that I dare not now mention my
apprehenshions to any one, it is not very comfortable
to meet with ridicule when one desires sympathy.
Do not imagine that I am utterly despondent
as I used to be, if I am not as composed
as Miss Steele would be under similar circumstances
it is owing to no distrust of the goodness
of Providence. Mrs Porter
Birth: 1800-04-12 Death: 1886-03-29Certainty: Probable
and Serene
Birth: 1805 Death: 1884-01-19Certainty: Probable

spent the evening with us Friday I was up late
and of course sick all day yesterday. I find
nothing deranges my nerves more than irregular
hours. I was quite sure when I crawled into
bed at 1/2 past 7 last night that I should
be unable to rise this morning, but awoke
this morning mush refreshed. We have no girl yet
[ Harrit ]

Alternate Text

Alternate Text: Harriet
comes Monday's and Saturday's. Eliza
here serving for me and Mrs Hall
Birth: 1796-07-10Certainty: Probable
is visiting.
Serene came the day before Christmas, Miss Ely
a niece
of Birdsalls
Birth: 1791-05-14 Death: 1872-02-08Certainty: Probable
is with her, she said you were well
Page 2

acquainted with her father who was a particular friend
of yours, she had read your letters, was very much
interested &c &c. I understood Serene that they lived
in Albany but dare not then make any enquires
lest I should betray an unpardonable ignorance.
Miss Ely is no way interesting herself but may
be very good. Serene remains until after the 1st [ . ]



We were invited yesterday to meet her at Mrs
Porters, I was not well enough to go. Clary
Birth: 1793-05-01 Death: 1862-09-05

went to tea but returned in the evening having
an appointment with Hugh
Birth: 1791-09-07 Death: 1860-11-16
. No day is set
for the nuptials. Hugh very kindly consents to
wait in consideration of my feeble health until
we succeed in getting some one to assist us.
is still very good and should she continue
so I should consider her invaluable, dont forget
to bring her some toy when you come home. The
Christmas candies are all devoured and some
of the toys demolished. There is no despondency
Tasteless; destitute of taste; wanting the qualities which affect the organs of taste • Wanting spirit, life, or animation; wanting pathos, or the power of exciting emotions • Wanting power to gratify desire •

in Fred
Birth: 1830-07-08 Death: 1915-04-25
's nature, he always consoles himself
when he destroys his play things by the reflection
that he will have more next Christmas. The Prudence
^which^ enabled Gus
Birth: 1826-10-01 Death: 1876-09-11
to keep his candies wos two or three
days could not resist the Generosity which impelled
him to share them at last with his less provident
brother. They are both dear boys and though
unlike, have many estimable qualities which it
delights the heart of their mother to see
developed who if she can be made instrumental
in making them good men and useful [ membes ]

Alternate Text

Alternate Text: members
society will feel that she has not lived in vain.
Mrs Marvin
Birth: 1810-07-08 Death: 1888-05-06Certainty: Probable
buried her little girl
 Death: 1834-12-27Certainty: Probable
to day, she was
about 4 years old, the only child, died with
scarlet fever. A young lady
from Utica a
member of Miss Bennets
Birth: 1787-01-21 Death: 1882-02-13Certainty: Probable
school is also buried
to day. I have heard no particulars about her
death. There is some snow but the
weather is much milder than a week ago. Garry
Birth: 1790-08-09 Death: 1865-06-02
has made us a visit of two or three
days at this peculiarly inconvenient season. I leave
this letter unfinished until tomorrow hoping in the
Page 3

interim to hear from you.
Tuesday evening. My Dear Henry, I am
too much depressed by your unaccountable
silence to writ write much. I have delayed
sending this letter two days feeling confident
that I should receive one from you.
Sunday evening Beardsley
Birth: 1807-05-30 Death: 1894-01-15
was here I was too
unwell to see him, he left word with Clary
that he had that day received a letter
from you in which you said you would
write to me by the next mail. This
was not exactly what I desired but I
endeavored to feell feel satisfied with the
assurance of your health, from that time
I have expected a letter every hour, none
comes yet, two days have passed and I am
still a watcher. I cannot feel convinced that
you are well and do not write. You certainly
would not were you ill, conceal it from me,
this uncertainty is painful write if you are able
and relieve the suspense of your own Frances
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William H. Seward
Auburn N.Y.
Dec 31


Type: postmark
Hand Shiftx

William Seward

Birth: 1801-05-16 Death: 1872-10-10
Frances A. Seward
December 30. 1834