Letter from George Washington Seward to William Henry Seward, February 6, 1837
Letter from George Washington Seward to William Henry Seward, February 6, 1837
student editorTranscriber:spp:sss
Distributor:Seward Family Digital Archive
Institution:University of Rochester
Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections
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Letter from George Washington Seward to William Henry Seward, February 6, 1837
action: sent
sender: George Seward
Birth: 1808-08-26
Death: 1888-12-07
location: Mendham, NJ
receiver: William Seward
Birth: 1801-05-16
Death: 1872-10-10
location: Auburn, NY
transcription: atb
revision: ekk 2016-03-07
Mendham Feby 6th 1837
My Dear Brother,
By a letter from Jennings
by the public prints ^I learn^ that you have lost your
little Daughter
fond anticipation of future has been indulged
you hoped for future happiness and comfort but
your hopes are dissapointed and your fond
anticipation are laid in the dust, but whilst
you may mourn over your lost, yet you may
be consoled ^with^ the consideration that whilst you
darling is taken from the fond embrace of a
Mothers care and a Fathers tenderness yet
she is taken from evil to come.
I may be permitted to sympathize with
you at least in part, for some days we expected
that our little one
name would be taken from us, but She was
spared. I would meet with you mourn with
you, but I would also console you with re-
flection, that we know not what is good
for us but that we have an Heavenly Father
who careth for us. You would lead that sweet
one the object of care and tenderness with good
things, but remember also that there is one who
doeth right, and perhaps in taking her from her
Parents on earth will take her to Himself, so
what may seem so great loss, is her greater good
But this providence however afflictive may be
an important lesson to you, your heart may
not have been sufficiently mindful of the one
thing needful you may have followed pursuits
however honorable they may be in the eyes of the
world, and however worthy they may be of your
effort in their proper sphere, yet have deprived
Him. Whose you are, of His place in your heart
and your thoughts, over the inanimate remains
of your Infants,He speaks, "Give Me thy Heart"
Does He not say that this is not your
abiding place, does He not call you to consid-
er your latter end, "Believe then the Goodness &
Serenity of God" improve then the solemn admo-
nition. May the considerations that I am
writing to one my senior in years and much
my Senior in talents and other virtues
cause me to withhold my sympathy and a word
of counsel, but rather may not the affection
of a brother, the confidence which I have worthily
reposed in you the good counsel which I have
recieved off you, may they not influence me.
Having as I trust tasted of the sweets of
a Redeeming love, I would point you then
And Oh! may this warning be sanctified
not alone to the parents; but may we all
all learn the lesson its teaches that nothing
is stable here below, May we all be prepared
for the last great change, that when our heart
and our flesh shall fail us, He may be the
strength of our hearts and our portion forever
Tell Frances
the remembrance of her kindness and goodwill
is yet with me may she pierce the cloud
that now hangs over her and looking beyond
in the unshaken confidence of a Fathers prom-
ise had, that all things shall work together
for good to those who love God"
We are all quite well, and we want to see
you both very much
you will come down
to Florida, I hope
you will be willing to let us
see you here if it should not be too inconvenient
in the mean time write me, write a little
about that little though mourned for one,
My Dear Brother may you long live in
in the enjoyments and comforts of your family
But not our will, but thy will Oh! our God
be done,
Your Affectionate Brother
Geo. W. Seward
William H Seward Esq
New York
Mendham, NJ
Feb 8
Type: postmark
G.W. Seward
Feb. 8. 1837.
Mendham Feby 6th 1837
My Dear Brother,
By a letter from Jennings
Birth: 1793-08-23 Death: 1841-02-24
& also by the public prints ^I learn^ that you have lost your
little Daughter
Birth: 1836-08-25 Death: 1837-01-14
though but an infant, many afond anticipation of future has been indulged
you hoped for future happiness and comfort but
your hopes are dissapointed and your fond
anticipation are laid in the dust, but whilst
you may mourn over your lost, yet you may
be consoled ^with^ the consideration that whilst you
darling is taken from the fond embrace of a
Mothers care and a Fathers tenderness yet
she is taken from evil to come.
I may be permitted to sympathize with
you at least in part, for some days we expected
that our little one
Birth: 1833-06-08 Death: 1891-06-12
bearing the same Sistersname would be taken from us, but She was
spared. I would meet with you mourn with
you, but I would also console you with re-
flection, that we know not what is good
for us but that we have an Heavenly Father
who careth for us. You would lead that sweet
one the object of care and tenderness with good
things, but remember also that there is one who
doeth right, and perhaps in taking her from her
Parents on earth will take her to Himself, so
what may seem so great loss, is her greater good
But this providence however afflictive may be
an important lesson to you, your heart may
not have been sufficiently mindful of the one
thing needful you may have followed pursuits
however honorable they may be in the eyes of the
world, and however worthy they may be of your
effort in their proper sphere, yet have deprived
Him. Whose you are, of His place in your heart
and your thoughts, over the inanimate remains
of your Infants,He speaks, "Give Me thy Heart"
Does He not say that this is not your
abiding place, does He not call you to consid-
er your latter end, "Believe then the Goodness &
Serenity of God" improve then the solemn admo-
nition. May the considerations that I am
writing to one my senior in years and much
my Senior in talents and other virtues
cause me to withhold my sympathy and a word
of counsel, but rather may not the affection
of a brother, the confidence which I have worthily
reposed in you the good counsel which I have
recieved off you, may they not influence me.
Having as I trust tasted of the sweets of
a Redeeming love, I would point you then
And Oh! may this warning be sanctified
not alone to the parents; but may we all
all learn the lesson its teaches that nothing
is stable here below, May we all be prepared
for the last great change, that when our heart
and our flesh shall fail us, He may be the
strength of our hearts and our portion forever
Tell Frances
Birth: 1805-09-24 Death: 1865-06-21
that I would also feel for her the remembrance of her kindness and goodwill
is yet with me may she pierce the cloud
that now hangs over her and looking beyond
in the unshaken confidence of a Fathers prom-
ise had, that all things shall work together
for good to those who love God"
We are all quite well, and we want to see
you both very much
you will come down
to Florida, I hope
you will be willing to let us
see you here if it should not be too inconvenient
in the mean time write me, write a little
about that little though mourned for one,
My Dear Brother may you long live in
in the enjoyments and comforts of your family
But not our will, but thy will Oh! our God
be done,
Your Affectionate Brother
Geo. W. Seward
William H Seward Esq
New York
Mendham, NJ
Feb 8
Hand Shift
Birth: 1801-05-16 Death: 1872-10-10William Seward
Feb. 8. 1837.