Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Miller Worden, December 1, 1837

  • Posted on: 10 March 2016
  • By: admin
Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Miller Worden, December 1, 1837



student editor


Distributor:Seward Family Papers Project

Institution:University of Rochester

Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections


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Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Miller Worden, December 1, 1837

action: sent

sender: Frances Seward
Birth: 1805-09-24  Death: 1865-06-21

location: Auburn, NY

receiver: Lazette Worden
Birth: 1803-11-01  Death: 1875-10-03

location: Canandaigua, NY

transcription: dxt 

revision: crb 2015-10-20

Page 1

Friday Dec 1st 1837
My dearest Sister, I commence writing this first day
of winter without any expectations of finishing my letter
today but I know I shall not have time to write
a whole letter tomorrow, “gals-gals” hs as Sackett
Birth: 1790-08-09 Death: 1865-06-02

used to say how they do torment one. Our Catherine

is to leave tomorrow to go to her Brother
in Ohio, he
has written for her to come and help house for him. She
is so goodnatured that I cannot help feeling sorry to part
with her though she is not the best help in the world
I feel unpleasantly about her undertaking so long a
journey at this unfavourable season of the year.
I do not know who we shall have next but probably
some Irish lass as there is none other in these times.
I received a letter yesterday from Henry
Birth: 1801-05-16 Death: 1872-10-10
, he says the
storm which produced such desolation at Buffalo
was severely felt at all the Harbours on the Lake.
Birth: 1794-07-23 Death: 1839-10-25
added a postscript which was very kind
she desired to be remembered to you. Yesterday
(Thanksgiving) I went to Church in the morning, Mrs M
Birth: 1792-05-02 Death: 1866-01-14
came home to dine with us, she and Jane Yates
Birth: 1813-09-16 Death: 1891-03-23

were both here to tea. Mr Lucas
Birth: 1799 Death: 1839-08-25
gave us an excitlent
sermon, the new white hats were very numerous
Is it not astonishingly warm. I am writing in my
bed room with very little fire in the next room.
Some one told me the old Indians predict an open winter
it will at least be a much shorter one than we have
had in some years
Page 2

I received your Saturday’s letter last Monday. I am
very sorry to hear that you have been unwell again.
I think you will do well not to expose yourself much
this winter your lungs are so weak. I have a plaster
for your side given me by Mrs Benedict
Birth: 1791 Death: 1869-12-30
and a box of pills
which Jane Perry
Birth: 1810 Death: 1877-01-07
wished me to send you by Henry & which
were forgotten. I do think if the pain in your side
returns again I would try the efficacy
Power to produce effects •
of a mercurial
ointment or plaster, I have known it relieve so many
Dr Williams
Birth: 1812-05-12 Death: 1882
told me he had cured a number with
no other remedy who were supposed to be far advanced
in pulmonary
Pertaining or affecting the lungs • A plant; lungwort •
The act of consuming by use, waste, dissipation, and decay; destruction • The state of being wasted or diminished; waste; dimunition; loss • A gradual decay or dimunition of the body; especially the disease called phthisis pulmonalis (pulmonary consumption), a disease seated in the lungs, attended with a hectic fever, cough etc •
but it requires great care
and of course must be persevered in some time when
the disease is of long standing. We are waiting for good
sleighing to make our visit to Canandaigua, when I
will bring along all the medicine which your friends
have supplied me with. They all enquire very particularly
about your health. Last Sunday E. Horner
Birth: 1807 Death: 1876-10-31
and Charles
Birth: 1813-10-25 Death: 1890-05-08
spent the evening here. Charles has just returned
from a three years voyage and I must say for a young
man of 23 who has sailed around the world I think him
one of the most uncommunicative and uninteresting
imaginable. Pa
Birth: 1772-04-11 Death: 1851-11-13
asked him numberless questions to all
of which he replyed in monysillables or the shortest
possible manner. It was really amusing to hear the conversation.
Pa says “Did you make any stop on the western coast of S.
America” “yes a number”, a dead pause. “What places”
here Charles was compelled to mention some names, another pause.
“Where did you stop on the eastern coast” – “at Rio” – “Is Rio
a fine town” “yes” -- or “no” I have forgotten which. “You have
visited Egypt” “yes”. “A barren country about there” “yes very barren”
Page 3

“Rocky” “yes rocky” “uncultivated” “yes uncultivated”.
This is a faint specimen on the examination which made it
quite obvious that Pa had obtained more knowledge of the
country from reading than Charles had been able to acquire
by a visit. Clara previous to this had said “come
Charles tell us something about your voyage.” “O that
is a very dry subject” was the pertinent
Justness of relation to the subject or matter in hand; fitness; appositeness; suitableness •
reply. I do not
know whether he is always so disagreeable or whether
the fits are only of seasonal occurrences. Saturday
morning - Well Catherine has departed and we are all
very busy, the old stove in the kitchen has come
to pieces and Peter Nicholas
Birth: 1801-12-24 Death: 1893-02-15
&c are engaged in
taking it down and putting up another. Pa is walking
in the soot and giving directions, the morning
is more like May than December I can hardly
realize that it is Winter. Mrs Miller is in deep
trouble about Isaac’s
Birth: 1791-04-30 Death: 1853-04-03
going to the Legislature this winter
Martha seems rather pleased. Jane says Maria
Birth: 1785-04-24 Death: 1870-04-17
not be willing to have Martha to feel as bad as she does.
Have you read a Pick Wick
Author: Charles Dickens Publisher: Carey, Lea & Blanchard Place of Publication:Philadelphia Date: 1837
extract containing an account
of the Ddeath of Samivels
. It is very amusing
a small portion of the News Papers is the extent of
my reading. Mrs Great Groat
was buried last
week. Tell Frances
Birth: 1826-12-12 Death: 1909-08-24
that Freddy
Birth: 1830-07-08 Death: 1915-04-25
is marching about the
yard with a pair of Augustus
Birth: 1826-10-01 Death: 1876-09-11
boots on looking very
much as Puss did when she went in pursuit of game
for her masters dinner, he is anxiously waiting for snow
that he may go to Canandaigua. The papers are filled with accounts
of Whig celebrations, their joy is a little excessive I think, but it
is so long since they have had occasion for rejoicing it is not
strange. Granger
Birth: 1792-12-01 Death: 1868-08-31
I see made his speech at the N. Y. celebration.
Your own Sister Frances
Page 4

Mrs Alvah Worden


Type: postmark