Letter from Benjamin Jennings Seward to William Henry Seward, January 24, 1838

  • Posted on: 10 March 2016
  • By: admin
Letter from Benjamin Jennings Seward to William Henry Seward, January 24, 1838



student editor


Distributor:Seward Family Papers Project

Institution:University of Rochester

Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections


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Letter from Benjamin Jennings Seward to William Henry Seward, January 24, 1838

action: sent

sender: Benjamin Seward
Birth: 1793-08-23  Death: 1841-02-24

location: Westfield, NY

receiver: William Seward
Birth: 1801-05-16  Death: 1872-10-10

location: Auburn, NY

transcription: keh 

revision: crb 2015-11-11

Page 1

Chautauque Land Office
Westfield Jan 24 1838
Dear Henry
I am this moment informed
by Lowry
Birth: 1805-10-22 Death: 1852-02-23
that the Bill of $4,232 due
8/11 inst in Phil was not paid – owing
as he says to some error in the direc-
tion of funds from Pittsburgh to meet
it. He further mentions that he
has written to Mr Coruthers
as I suppose) – & I am left to infer
that the funds will yet be provided
or hunted up & appropriated in this
Lowry has sent $2000 in old
U.S. Bank bills, his proportion and
Birth: 1792-12-15 Death: 1868-08-24
, of bills now soon to fall
due – by which I infer that he
expects Hall
Birth: 1784 Death: 1877-04-01
to provide for a third
of the amounts – and he says, these
they ^Bills^ shall all be paid – but he
wishes them carefully protested &
returned to him.
Page 2

I have written to apprize Mr Van Hall
Birth: 1799-12-23

of his request in relation to protests.
In reply to Lowry, I acknowledged
the reciept of the $2,000 – expressed regret
at the dishonor of the bill on account
of the sensation it would produce
at Batavia – & sent him as he re-
quested a statement of the amounts
& dates of bills falling due hereafter.
As he had been written to, twice
before you were here last – once
by you & once since, about the back
interest on a piece of land stand-
ing in his name, owned by Wilcox

& as he alouted to it himself in
his letter, I ventured to tell
him in reply that he might
tell Wilcox that if his interest
was not paid before the 10th Feb
he would find his business in
the hands of Osborne
Birth: 1800-07-01 Death: 1877-04-27
& Greene
Birth: 1802 Death: 1873-09-13

in Mayville.
Birth: 1805-05-17 Death: 1892-05-17
writes that the printed
Page 3

statement soon to come out about the
Lumbermans Bank, will astonish us all.
Poor old Mr Falconer
Birth: 1780-12-22 Death: 1851-10-20
has been up on a
charge of prjury perjury for stating that
the Bank had $40,000 in specie when it had
in fact but $10,000. Public report says that
Lowry & Irving have been constrained to re-
turn them our notes to the Bank, which
they had under false pretenses
from the Bank upon lodging mortgages
with Mr Falconer. In all con-
versations I hear from plain men
there seems to be a saving clause
in favour of Falconer – but really
there is no knowing much about the present
state of affairs. I will send you a
statement, if I can.
Last night we had more than 200
of the most filthy, ragged, worthless pup-
pies in town that ever bore the title
of Patriots. Our , & Dr Spencers
Birth: 1788-12-16 Death: 1877-01-25

& Peacocks
Birth: 1780-02-22 Death: 1877-02-21
& other kindred spirits battled
about town to find potatoes, & pork &
bread for them – & quarters were given
them in the Methodist meeting house[ . ]



This morning they paraded & pushed off.
Page 4

About every fourth man has a sword
– or something less. Genl Mc Arthur
– I
believe his is – Col somebody & Capts
& Leiu's in number were along – two volunteer
waggons – & foot pads – 8 or 10 or 15 were
Canadian – all the rest are U. S. citizens
or rather U. S. vagabonds. They say that
they are looking for work upon some canal
– but the general impression is that they hope
to be kept along till they reach Detroit &
there to join the Canada Patriots again on
the other side. Give our kind regards to
Birth: 1805-09-24 Death: 1865-06-21
– & believe me to be your grateful
Brother B. J. Seward
W. H. Seward Esq
Care Am. Life & Trust Co.
New York City
NV 27


Type: postmark



Type: postmark

Hand Shiftx

Benjamin Seward

Birth: 1793-08-23 Death: 1841-02-24
Feb 27, 1838.