Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Miller Worden, August 10, 1838

  • Posted on: 14 December 2017
  • By: admin
Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Miller Worden, August 10, 1838



student editor


Distributor:Seward Family Digital Archive

Institution:University of Rochester

Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections


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Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Miller Worden, August 10, 1838

action: sent

sender: Frances Seward
Birth: 1805-09-24  Death: 1865-06-21

location: Auburn, NY

receiver: Lazette Worden
Birth: 1803-11-01  Death: 1875-10-03

location: Canandaigua, NY

transcription: mmh 

revision: tap 2017-09-13

Page 1

Friday Aug 10th 1838
My Dearest Sister,
I received a note from Worden
Birth: 1797-03-06 Death: 1856-02-16

this morning saying he was on his way to New
— he mentioned that you had just set off for
Avon I hope it will not prevent your making
your visit there — I suppose you were obliged
to return to make his clothes’ ready — Your letter
came Tuesday — the little boys
x Birth: 1830-07-08  Death: 1915-04-25  Birth: 1826-10-01  Death: 1876-09-11 
are waiting for
Cousin Frances’
Birth: 1826-12-12 Death: 1909-08-24
description of the celebration at
the Academy — Tell Frances Aunty was very much
pleased to hear she had left off sucking her thumb
though she forgot to say so in her last letter — how
was it brought about — Augustus squabs have grown
to pigeons and pretty creatures they are — when he first
bought them he was obliged to open their bills and
and put the food into their mouths — they can
now pick it up for themselves — he has made a
little house for them over the cow house but I am
afraid they will not stay long — Poor Gussy has
had success with his pets he is all the while
engaged in building houses and pens making yards
and ponds but his favourites make but a short
stay — the pretty little hare was we supposed destroyed
by cats
x Birth:   Death:   Birth:   Death:  
as Nicholas
Birth: 1801-12-24 Death: 1893-02-15
found the skin not long since
the rats devoured the young ducks and Grandpa
Birth: 1772-04-11 Death: 1851-11-13
was so opposed to the old ones that he sent them
all to the farm — he wishes now to purchase a pair
of tame rabbits but I am afraid unless he confines
them very closely that they will share the fate
of the unfortunate little hare —
Page 2
Delia Genung
Birth: 1820-03-25 Death: 1898-02-20
was married Wednesday night to John Tuttle
Birth: 1813-09-17 Death: 1862-12-28

Birth: 1794-09-05
in the spirit of the times was violently
opposed to the match — John Tuttle has been some
time in Detroit I do not learn in what business
Genung says he is a black leg — he came on for the
purpose of marrying Delia about a week ago
Genung swore with the most violent oaths that he
should not marry her — has made this subject
the theme of discourse in his grocery ever since —
They led him to believe the marriage was to take
place Thursday morning while they were actually
married at old Mrs Bostwicks’
Birth: 1768-01-22 Death: 1851-08-14
Wednesday night
by Mr Lucas
Birth: 1799 Death: 1839-08-25
—Genung kept watch of the house
yesterday morning and when he judged by the
entrance of a number of persons that the time
had come he rushed in with a club for the
purpose of demolishing the bridegroom — they all
ran but Hobart Bostwick
Birth: 1814-01-20 Death: 1899-01-06
who stood his ground
and refused to obey Genungs command to leave the
house whereupon Genung struck him a blow in the face
he then went in pursuit of the fugitives whom having
chased with a huge stone to the carriage which
they had in waiting and which he saw them enter
he gave vent to his wrath by throwing stones at the
carriage one of said stones is said to have grased
head— he then took a horse and followed
in hot pursuit — they had nearly reached the basin
in this Gilpin style when Genungs horse gave out
and he had the mortification to see them enter a
canal boat and depart for Buffalo — I had forgotten
to say that in addition to the racers were two con-
stables whom Tuttle had employed to protect his
life — those were in full pursuit of Genung but
did not overtake him until he reached his horse
Page 3

Genung has to day had his trial for assault and battery
on the person of Hobart Bostwick — received bail &c
probably this will be last of it unless Uncle Bilby's

spirit predominates a long time —
I received a letter from Henry
Birth: 1801-05-16 Death: 1872-10-10
this morning — he
reached Westfield Monday morning wrote Tuesday
Fred Whittelsey
Birth: 1799-06-12 Death: 1851-09-19
went with him to Buffalo — he
stopped a short time at Albion Lockport Rochester
and Buffalo — He saw Ward
Birth: 1802-05-18 Death: 1854-11-28
and his wife
Birth: 1796 Death: 1861-05-27
and all
the Harris
x Birth: 1809-10-27  Death: 1845-05-18  Birth: 1802-05-31  Death: 1875-12-02 
— Ward is living in an eight thousand
dollar house with furniture to correspond — He spent
Sunday at Buffalo — Mr
Birth: 1793-06-17 Death: 1859-09-12
and Mrs
Birth: 1800 Death: 1876
Tracy are at
present boarding at the American but have rented
a handsome house which is to be handsomely
furnished for their residence — He met Tracy
but they had little intercourse — does not
speak of having seen Mrs Tracy — Mr Shelton
Birth: 1798-09-11 Death: 1883-10-11

the Episcopalian Clergyman who you know was
a warm friend of Tracys condemns the cou[ rse ]


Reason: hole

he has taken in opposing Henry’s nomination —
Henry found a letter at Westfield from John Birdsall
Birth: 1802 Death: 1839-07-22

“beautiful yet melancholy” says he will send it to me
Johns’ brother
Birth: 1844 Death: 1894-05-17
was ill at Texas became dissatisfied
with the country and has returned —
I suppose you would like to take the latest news about
furniture — The mattress has just come home it folds
cross wise instead of lengthwise as I had supposed – I
will sleep upon it to night and see if it is as
easy as those which are made whole — if not I
will have one made whole or to fold lengthwise as you
prefer — he says this is the way he always makes them —
I have selected a carpet that is I decided upon taking
the one I mentioned it was prettier than the red —you
have two red carpets and there is so little white when
I come to examine it that I know you will not consider that
an objection — the settee bedstead it takes the moderate timeof 3 weeks to complete — it will be finished next week green
cushions — is that the colour —
Page 4

Birth: 1793-05-01 Death: 1862-09-05
is far from well — her cough entirely subsided but she
suffers much with debility and has now a violent cold
how long will Worden be absent? — but it must depend upon
Birth: 1796-11-06 Death: 1852-09-08
health — I do not know what to do about Henry’s
picture — he intended taking it with him on the stage — Will
it be safe to send it with the other things I will if
you think best or I can have it boxed and Worden
might take it when he returned if it can be carried
in that way which seems to me doubtful — I do not know
that there is any hazard in sending it with the other things the
cabinet maker seemed to think the other things could all be
put in one box but it seems to me that they cannot if not
the mattress and picture might be packed together that is
supposing this one answers the purpose I believe I will not send

[right Margin]
this letter until tomorrow morning — Mrs Porter
Birth: 1800-04-12 Death: 1886-03-29
Mrs Lee
Birth: 1803 Death: 1899-03-30
Unknown Birth: 1828-06-01  Death: 1910-05-05  Birth:   Death: 1914-07-06 
and Lee
Birth: 1802
have gone to Avon — Saturday morning — well
I have slept upon the mattress and do not think the fold makes it
uncomfortable — what an awful thunder shower we had last night
your own sister
Mrs Alvah Worden
AUG 11


Type: postmark