Letter from Samuel Sweezey Seward to William Henry Seward, September 16, 1838

  • Posted on: 10 March 2016
  • By: admin
Letter from Samuel Sweezey Seward to William Henry Seward, September 16, 1838



student editor


Distributor:Seward Family Papers Project

Institution:University of Rochester

Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections


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Letter from Samuel Sweezey Seward to William Henry Seward, September 16, 1838

action: sent

sender: Samuel Seward
Birth: 1768-12-05  Death: 1849-08-24

location: Florida, NY

receiver: William Seward
Birth: 1801-05-16  Death: 1872-10-10

location: Auburn, NY

transcription: sss 

revision: ekk 2015-11-05

Page 1

Florida 16th September 1838
My dear Wm Henry
Yours of the 9th Inst. was Rec’d.
last evening – Should the hundred & forty Dol. be paid
to my credit in the Bank of Newburgh on Acct of Mr
Birth: 1780 Death: 1871
’s Int. it will come timely as I am very
scarce of money. My long confinement, the
heavy drafts I had to answer in Apl & May,
and having no payments coming in through
the summer has left me very much in debt.
This indebtedness being in the Banks; for lumber
brick, lime and all kinds of Mechanics who
expect prompt pay renders it more oppres-
I congratulate you you my
dear dear child on your Nomination
it is right it is proper and it cannot be other-
wise than that a fathers heart should be
lit up on such an occasion. Mrs Grear
Birth: 1802-09-27 Death: 1878-12-20
George Tuthill
Birth: 1807-05-17 Death: 1883-05-25
brought us a letter containing
the result of the Nom. for Gov. on Friday at
3 O’clock P.M. – The person Nom. for Lieut. Gov.
is not yet announced to us. I earnestly hope
he may be an honorable highminded man
and one who may not drag heavily in the
ballot boxes. Old Orange seems more than
usually awake to the great coming contest[ . ]



While writing I have this moment Recd
a letter & paper announcing the Nomination
of Luther Bradish
Birth: 1783-09-15 Death: 1863-08-30
for Lieut Gov. With this
Page 2

I am immensely gratified. It exactly fits this part of
the state and when cool deliberation takes its stand
there will not be a disenting voice amongst the friends
of the people. But turn to the others side of the picture
and there you see in broad relief brot to bear against
the Constitution the libertin and the vital interest of the
people the most high handed Aristocratic revo-
lutionary falsehood duplicity bribery corruption
purgury & [ blakguarism ]

Alternate Text

Alternate Text: blackguardism
– that ever confronted
a virtuous and oppressed people. This is
known to all our friends, but how is it to be
counteracted where are the men stout robust
cool who will step forward and inforce the
laws against them. I utmost wish for year
and vigor again to take my stand by the
side of the Star Spangled banner hoisted
high on the democratic liberty Pole
so firmly am I convinced of the necessity
of registering the voters before hand or
a universal chalenge instituted or both
that I think it almost useless to enter the field
without. A poll list for and against should
be made in every school district in the state
and men appointed to bring the ^m^ out – our men
should drop all business & come in early in order
to secure their votes. Chalengers should make it
an undeviating duty to promptly chalenge every
Minor alien and runagado and let them
know at the moment that their doing will be
enquired into – because when the ballot is
in the purpose is answered[ . ]



Page 3

My son it is an old saying that human nature
is much the same in all men. In every important
business care should be taken to begin rigt in order
to a happy and honorable termination of the same.
A new Era is now commencing in your life[ . ]



Start firm – The play has already begun –
and from this time on thousands interested
Political and personal friends – office hunters
speculators and foundlings, each with his own
selfish and interested views to gratify will
hang on to the skirts of your garment. Previous to
to the election you are Wm H. Seward and of course
nothing to say. If Elected let this principle be
rivited in your mind that you are Governor
of the state and not of a party. I have no doubts
of the correctness of your course if I had I should
not support you. But a fathers advice if given
in a proper spirit cannot be to often repeated[ . ]



After you left us I gained strength [ sloly ]

Alternate Text

Alternate Text: slowly

for a short time[ . ]


But friend[ s ]


flocked in I had a
number of slite relapses my appetite is gone
my cough is inveterate. My friends are dispair-
ing – and I think myself I am shortly destined
to enter the narrow hours of all living.
Should it be possible for you to get down
soon it will be very desirable.
The writing of this short letter has been a
great effort. Will you write to Jennings
Birth: 1793-08-23 Death: 1841-02-24
let him know our situation. Mama
Birth: 1769-11-27 Death: 1844-12-11
is not well
God bless you all my friends.
Affectionately Saml S Seward
WH Seward
Page 4

William H Seward Esq
Cayuga Co
Saml S. Seward
Sept 16, 1838.