Letter from Alvah H. Worden to William Henry Seward, December 1, 1839
Letter from Alvah H. Worden to William Henry Seward, December 1, 1839
student editorTranscriber:spp:sss
Distributor:Seward Family Digital Archive
Institution:University of Rochester
Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections
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Letter from Alvah H. Worden to William Henry Seward, December 1, 1839
action: sent
sender: Alvah Worden
Birth: 1797-03-06
Death: 1856-02-16
location: Canandaigua, NY
receiver: William Seward
Birth: 1801-05-16
Death: 1872-10-10
location: Albany, NY
transcription: mah
revision: ekk 2016-01-29
Canandaigua Dec 1. 1839
My Dear Seward
I think the signs of the times indicates that I ought
not to take the Surrogates office. Look at this county. We have here some
conflicting political interests. And although the recent election for Senator
has put off (I hope forever) any serious apprehension in regard to they
any immediate unpleasant result yet the same elements remain, to
be operated upon by like causes: I am now necessarily and unexpected-
ly thrown in a position I never supposed I should ocupy. It would
be affictation to conceal the fact that I ocupy an important po-
litical position in this county and that as a Lawyer my position
to say the least of it is flattering: I have the same field here in
which Mr Spencer
kindness, and some good fortune to aid. I am heading along at a
humble distance to be sure in his footsteps: and as yet without any
very inviduous or discreditable comparisons being instituted: If I
should take an office like that of the Surrogates would it not
present me in a new attitude. Should I not loose caste as a Lawyer
and present myself in a humble and inferior station as a mere
politician: If I do not mistake my own powers and if I may
judge of the past I hope not to ocupy a very inferior station
at the bar of the Sup Court. My efforts there and in the court of
Chancery have not been discreditable: and the means of renew-
ed exertions are daily presenting themselves: As yet in a pe-
cuniary way the reward has not been over abundant: but
may I not reasonably expect it. All there considerations seem
to me proper: And looking at the future I am now of the
impression that my correct course is plainly indicated
The time may come when men who have acquired a legal
reputation and standing will be sought for: whether that pe-
riod arrives or not I am content with such honors as I can
win where the means to be employed are the highest efforts
of human reason and understanding
I am flattered with the belief that the county
would prefer my appointment to the office of surrogate to
that of any other individual: and many of the leading
men urge it strongly: there are others who take a different
view of it. And are of opinion I ought not to accept it, among
these are men of high standing and influence in the county
There will be difficulty in making an appointment that
will be satisfactory, but as to this you will probably have other
instances of similar character
I hope the message is going to take a careful and
prudent view of the question of internal improvement
and will look to a curtailment of expenditure rather
than to an increase of it. The embarrassments of the
times has come to the farmer & the laborer and presses
heavily on them; Nothing will last the People so well
as retrenchment & reform: I had a long talk with Mr
to me to be the correct view of public sentiment on this
We may be down in Jany as I have some causes
to argue in the Sup Court: The question involving the powers
of the Legislature to alter modify or repeal a charter will
arise on Demurrer and is noticed for argument: the Directors
have desired me to argue it.
Yours Truly
A Worden
Gov Seward
Canandaigua N.Y.
Dec 5
Type: postmark
Alvah Worden
Dec 1. 1839
Canandaigua Dec 1. 1839
My Dear Seward
I think the signs of the times indicates that I ought
not to take the Surrogates office. Look at this county. We have here some
conflicting political interests. And although the recent election for Senator
has put off (I hope forever) any serious apprehension in regard to they
any immediate unpleasant result yet the same elements remain, to
be operated upon by like causes: I am now necessarily and unexpected-
ly thrown in a position I never supposed I should ocupy. It would
be affictation to conceal the fact that I ocupy an important po-
litical position in this county and that as a Lawyer my position
to say the least of it is flattering: I have the same field here in
which Mr Spencer
Birth: 1765-12-13 Death: 1848-03-13Certainty: Possible
secured his high legal reputation, through hiskindness, and some good fortune to aid. I am heading along at a
humble distance to be sure in his footsteps: and as yet without any
very inviduous or discreditable comparisons being instituted: If I
should take an office like that of the Surrogates would it not
present me in a new attitude. Should I not loose caste as a Lawyer
and present myself in a humble and inferior station as a mere
politician: If I do not mistake my own powers and if I may
judge of the past I hope not to ocupy a very inferior station
at the bar of the Sup Court. My efforts there and in the court of
Chancery have not been discreditable: and the means of renew-
ed exertions are daily presenting themselves: As yet in a pe-
cuniary way the reward has not been over abundant: but
may I not reasonably expect it. All there considerations seem
to me proper: And looking at the future I am now of the
impression that my correct course is plainly indicated
The time may come when men who have acquired a legal
reputation and standing will be sought for: whether that pe-
riod arrives or not I am content with such honors as I can
win where the means to be employed are the highest efforts
of human reason and understanding
I am flattered with the belief that the county
would prefer my appointment to the office of surrogate to
that of any other individual: and many of the leading
men urge it strongly: there are others who take a different
view of it. And are of opinion I ought not to accept it, among
these are men of high standing and influence in the county
There will be difficulty in making an appointment that
will be satisfactory, but as to this you will probably have other
instances of similar character
I hope the message is going to take a careful and
prudent view of the question of internal improvement
and will look to a curtailment of expenditure rather
than to an increase of it. The embarrassments of the
times has come to the farmer & the laborer and presses
heavily on them; Nothing will last the People so well
as retrenchment & reform: I had a long talk with Mr
on this subject I believe he has got what seems to me to be the correct view of public sentiment on this
We may be down in Jany as I have some causes
to argue in the Sup Court: The question involving the powers
of the Legislature to alter modify or repeal a charter will
arise on Demurrer and is noticed for argument: the Directors
have desired me to argue it.
Yours Truly
A Worden
Gov Seward
Canandaigua N.Y.
Dec 5
Hand Shift
Birth: 1801-05-16 Death: 1872-10-10William Seward
Dec 1. 1839