Letter from Frances Miller Seward to William Henry Seward, July 27, 1840
Letter from Frances Miller Seward to William Henry Seward, July 27, 1840
student editorTranscriber:spp:dxt
Distributor:Seward Family Digital Archive
Institution:University of Rochester
Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections
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Letter from Frances Miller Seward to William Henry Seward, July 27, 1840
action: sent
sender: Frances Seward
Birth: 1805-09-24
Death: 1865-06-21
location: Auburn, NY
receiver: William Seward
Birth: 1801-05-16
Death: 1872-10-10
location: Albany, NY
transcription: crb
revision: crb 2017-06-30
Monday Morning
My dear Henry
from Canandaigua and intends taking the car
at 2 oclock. I have but a moment to write
it is washing day and I am Willie's
nurse – dear little boy – he is much less
turbulent than he has been – I hope he will
continue to improve – Poor Fred
the other day having lost the pen knife you
gave him – I remonstrated with him on the
impropriety of grieving so much about a trifle
but could obtain no answer other than
"Pa gave it to me" – his extreme sensitiveness
make me causes me many sad forebodings
about his journey through a thorny life –
Can you give me any information at all
decisive about your movements – Will you
be here next week? and when will you
go West? I believe I had better defer my visit
to Canandaigua until then – I have the
Cherry Valley paper (Van Buren
it not being very long Clara
wonderfully pleased – You may be sure that
I thought it good as I made both the boys
read it yesterday and you know I am
somewhat scrupulous about Sunday reading –
Ezra Schooley
been in New York the last fortnight and
seems somewhat mystified on the subject of
poloticks - says the Loco's and Whig's seem equally
positive that each party will be successful
at the next election – thinks you are more
decidedly a favourite than the candidate for
President, in Seneca– Of course Ez would be
glad to bet were he at all confident about
winning I think it is as well that he
should not be – Our clergyman Mr Croswell
does not return – he is expected every day.
I hope your cough is better – pray smoke as
little as possible I am afraid it injures you
do get some sleep – quiet it is impossible for you
to obtain – I hope you have sufficient strength
of constitution to endure all the fatigue which
you suffer, but have many fears – Clara and
the boys send love - your own Frances –
William H. Seward
Albany –
Mrs W.H. Seward
July 27. 1840
Monday Morning
My dear Henry
Birth: 1820-03-09 Death: 1893-07-07
has just returnedfrom Canandaigua and intends taking the car
at 2 oclock. I have but a moment to write
it is washing day and I am Willie's
Birth: 1839-06-18 Death: 1920-04-29
solenurse – dear little boy – he is much less
turbulent than he has been – I hope he will
continue to improve – Poor Fred
Birth: 1830-07-08 Death: 1915-04-25
cried bitterlythe other day having lost the pen knife you
gave him – I remonstrated with him on the
impropriety of grieving so much about a trifle
but could obtain no answer other than
"Pa gave it to me" – his extreme sensitiveness
make me causes me many sad forebodings
about his journey through a thorny life –
Can you give me any information at all
decisive about your movements – Will you
be here next week? and when will you
go West? I believe I had better defer my visit
to Canandaigua until then – I have the
Cherry Valley paper (Van Buren
Birth: 1782-12-05 Death: 1862-07-24
) containing your speechit not being very long Clara
Birth: 1793-05-01 Death: 1862-09-05
has read it and iswonderfully pleased – You may be sure that
I thought it good as I made both the boys
Birth: 1830-07-08
Death: 1915-04-25
Birth: 1826-10-01
Death: 1876-09-11
read it yesterday and you know I am
somewhat scrupulous about Sunday reading –
Birth: 1772-04-11 Death: 1851-11-13
does not return from Syracuse yet – Ezra Schooley
Birth: 1806-05-23 Death: 1850-05-23
was here yesterday – he hasbeen in New York the last fortnight and
seems somewhat mystified on the subject of
poloticks - says the Loco's and Whig's seem equally
positive that each party will be successful
at the next election – thinks you are more
decidedly a favourite than the candidate for
President, in Seneca– Of course Ez would be
glad to bet were he at all confident about
winning I think it is as well that he
should not be – Our clergyman Mr Croswell
Birth: 1807-11-07 Death: 1851-11-09
does not return – he is expected every day.
I hope your cough is better – pray smoke as
little as possible I am afraid it injures you
do get some sleep – quiet it is impossible for you
to obtain – I hope you have sufficient strength
of constitution to endure all the fatigue which
you suffer, but have many fears – Clara and
the boys send love - your own Frances –
William H. Seward
Albany –
Hand Shift
Birth: 1820-03-09 Death: 1893-07-07Samuel Blatchford
July 27. 1840