Letter from Alvah H. Worden to William Henry Seward, November 12, 1840

  • Posted on: 9 March 2016
  • By: admin
Letter from Alvah H. Worden to William Henry Seward, November 12, 1840



student editor


Distributor:Seward Family Digital Archive

Institution:University of Rochester

Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections


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Letter from Alvah H. Worden to William Henry Seward, November 12, 1840

action: sent

sender: Alvah Worden
Birth: 1797-03-06  Death: 1856-02-16

location: Canandaigua, NY

receiver: William Seward
Birth: 1801-05-16  Death: 1872-10-10

location: Albany, NY

transcription: ekk 

revision: crb 2016-02-15

Page 1

Canandaigua Nov 1?

Editorial Note

The second digit is illegible. It appears as a blot but was likely either a 2 or 3. One of the endorsements says 12, one says 13, and the postmark is 13, so the letter could have been started on either November 12 or 13.
My Dear Seward,
I enclose you the official canvass for this county
I do so that you may see that there is not any difference in this county
on the ticket that is worthy comment. You will perceive Grangers
Birth: 1792-12-01 Death: 1868-08-31

majority arisen from the difference in Phelps & Gorham where he ran
ahead of his ticket and Wilson
has run behind. Your vote is
above the assembly vote Sheriff & Clerk. and you will perceive
that had Wilson run with his ticket your majority would
be over the general average on the county ticket Bradish
Birth: 1783-09-15 Death: 1863-08-30

gets some abolition votes. You lost 4 votes in Seneca. we know who! but it is
not necessary to name them: they
There has been a systematic organisation
among the locos throughout the State to run you behind the
ticket. and should have been discovered by your astute
politicians at Albany. it was discovered in the towns
in this county and our friends stood up to the work
most manfully I doubt not but the ticket in the least
will show that the difference between the gov & the
county ticket is very trifling I do not doubt but it
will be so throughout the State. There will be an exertion
on the part of the locos to excise a clamor throughout
the State and create an impression that you have run
behind. be careful that by assigning reasons you do not
admit the premises. the New York papers will be out with
reasons thick as blackberries why you run behind. Stop
them until the whole canvass is in when you will
find that you are not behind the legitimate vote
Old Suff has run ahead of everybody. and this was
expected. Weed
Birth: 1797-11-15 Death: 1882-11-22
has been tripping about the Irish
Cant you let the Irish alone? Now I beg of you to wait
for explanations in regard to the State canvass until you
know how it is I see the New York traitors the Journal
Commerce & others are endeavoring to goad the press into
a discussion of this question & unless it is looked to it will
be admitted contrary to the fact that you are a lagger behind
I write this in court & in haste
Page 2

Lieut Gov. Congress Senate Assembly Clerk
Whole No Seward Bouck
Birth: 1828-12-16 Death: 1904-02-21
Birth: 1804-03-16 Death: 1904-10-24
Bradish Dickinson
Birth: 1801 Death: 1873
Granger Wilson Pitts
Birth: 1807 Death: 1888-06-18
Rhodes Watson
Birth: 1792 Death: 1867-05-06Certainty: Possible
Birth: 1796 Death: 1878-12-15Certainty: Possible
Worden Robinson Mills Harris
Birth: 1802-05-31 Death: 1875-12-02Certainty: Possible
Birth: 1809Certainty: Possible

Canandaigua 1044 613 423 7 613 422 7 609 428 8 613 423 7 610 607 608 424 425 425 7 7 7 408 424 7
West Bloomfield 414 330 62 24 331 62 24 332 61 24 331 62 24 332 332 332 60 60 60 24 24 24 332 24 34
East Bloomfield 411 281 125 5 281 125 5 278 124 6 281 125 5 281 281 281 126 126 126 5 5 5 279 126 5
Farmington 394 298 84 12 247 82 12 296 82 16 247 81 12 246 287 296 81 81 81 15 15 15 295 80 15
Hopewell 407 211 181 15 212 181 14 211 177 15 212 181 14 211 211 211 180 179 180 13 13 13 211 179 13
Manchester 548 325 268 4 326 264 4 325 266 4 325 26 4 328 328 328 268 268 268 3 3 3 328 243 3
Seneca 1216 726 474 14 733 473 12 728 476 10 730 473 13 724 724 724 475 474 478 13 11 13 724 478 13
Phelps 1134 458 640 8 454 689 8 470 678 8 458 690 8 465 465 454 675 677 674 9 9 11 465 407 9
Victor 494 300 189 5 300 187 6 300 189 5 301 301 301 185 185 185 6 6 6 301 185 6
Canadice 243 112 125 6 112 125 6 111 125 6 112 125 6 111 111 111 126 126 126 6 6 6 111 126 6
Naples 466 227 238 1 224 238 2 225 237 1 226 238 2 222 222 222 241 241 241 1 1 1 222 241 1
Bristol 399 231 162 6 232 102 5 232 102 6 232 232 232 162 162 162 6 6 6 236 162 6
South Bristol 251 155 95 1 155 95 1 155 95 1 155 95 1 155 155 155 94 94 94 1 1 1 130 94 1
Gorham 550 307 241 2 307 241 2 313 232 307 241 2 306 306 306 236 236 236 1 1 1 306 234 1
Richmond 389 212 133 44 212 133 44 215 127 44 212 133 44 213 213 213 130 130 130 47 47 47 213 130 47
4784 3490 154 4796 3488 152 4800 3457 156 4791 3690 153 4784 4777 4779 3486 3464 3466 134 155 158 4782 3464 157
Harris 113
Elector 4828 3451
Page 3

Hand Shiftx

Samuel Blatchford

Birth: 1820-03-09 Death: 1893-07-07
Alvah Worden
Nov 12. 1840
Page 4

Hand Shiftx

Alvah Worden

Birth: 1797-03-06 Death: 1856-02-16
His Excellency
Gov. Seward
NOV 13


Type: postmark

Hand Shiftx

Samuel Blatchford

Birth: 1820-03-09 Death: 1893-07-07
Alvah Worden
Nov 13, 1840