Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Miller Worden, October 19, 1841

  • Posted on: 21 February 2018
  • By: admin
Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Miller Worden, October 19, 1841



student editor


Distributor:Seward Family Digital Archive

Institution:University of Rochester

Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections


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Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Miller Worden, October 19, 1841

action: sent

sender: Frances Seward
Birth: 1805-09-24  Death: 1865-06-21

location: Albany, NY

receiver: Lazette Worden
Birth: 1803-11-01  Death: 1875-10-03

location: Canandaigua, NY

transcription: nwh 

revision: tap 2018-01-18

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Albany Oct 19th 1841
My dearest Sister,
I came home last evening from Orange County
after an absence of 6 days from my dear Willie
Birth: 1839-06-18 Death: 1920-04-29
— He
was very well and had been so during my absence
I left home last Wednesday morning in company
with Augustus
Birth: 1826-10-01 Death: 1876-09-11
and Frederick
Birth: 1830-07-08 Death: 1915-04-25
— We went in the
day boat the ‘Kusciusko’ a small boat which
for one or two trips took the place of the
‘Albany’ which is broken down — The boat was
crowded with passengers — no one that I had
ever before seen among them, generally they
were a pretty rough congregation – A high wind
prevented my going upon deck — I was consequently
confined to a warm cabin and very sick whic[ h ]



I always am on a boat — we reached New-
about 1/2 past 2 oclock — found there was
was no stage to go to Florida Goshen until the next
morning so Augustus procured a carriage and we
had a pleasant drive to Florida – the roads
were very fine – we reached our place of destina -
tion about 7 oclock – found Mr Seward
Birth: 1768-12-05 Death: 1849-08-24
a little
more feeble but otherwise much as he has been
for two years past — Mother
Birth: 1769-11-27 Death: 1844-12-11
fails faster than
he she is thin and stoops very much – seems
to get about the house with considerable exertion
notwithstanding which she is constantly on her
feet and at no time during my visit sat an hour

[top Margin]
I doubt not did really feel, avoid speaking disrespectfully of
you and this to indifferent persons and to persons with
whom you were unacquainted – I love you to much to
see you thus imposed upon and I believe have hinted this
before Perhaps I magnify the importance of
trifles – I presume had he been reproved at the time he would
have protested that he meant no disrespect but I insist

[left Margin]
that a mind
which does not shrink
instinctively from any
thing of this kind is not
capable of entertaining the
noble sentiment of Friendship
I have not seen Worden
Birth: 1797-03-06 Death: 1856-02-16
To night we are to go to Maria Brinkehof
Birth: 1803-01-30 Death: 1887-04-23

wedding! She is to marry Mr Pompella
Birth: 1795-08-01 Death: 1882-09-28

a ^nice^ widower with two children
x Birth: 1833-04-06  Death: 1902-05-28  Birth: 1832-04-27  Death:  
from Owego
Your own
Sister –

[left Margin]
Henry met
Mary Ann
Birth: 1805-05-02 Death: 1848-01-09

at N.Y.
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it is painful to see a person hurrying and worrying through
the last days of their existence in this manner – days
which should pass peacefully and quietly I visited
Birth: 1812-09-30 Death: 1848-10-18
and Locky
Birth: 1805-07-15 Death: 1848-05-14
found them all in much more
comfortable circumstances than I have seen them
heretofore – Polydore's
Birth: 1799 Death: 1872-04-23
temperance has made him
10 years younger – he appears now as he used to when
I first knew him – is very industrious and for
two years has conducted himself respectably – It
would be wonderful if this great chance should
last – I trust it may – They have 5 children
x Birth: 1839-06  Death: 1843-09-26  Birth: 1842  Death: 1908  Birth: 1836-02-16  Death: 1910-02-06  Birth: 1833  Death: 1892  Birth: 1828  Death: 1905 

living the youngest an infant named Thurlow Weed
Birth: 1808-08-26 Death: 1888-12-07
and Tempe occupy the old homestead
and Tempe's good management has given it an
air of comfort which does not pervade
the newer and more ambitious "mansion"—
George is still a warm hearted honest boy
Tempe is more sociable than she used to be
plain sensible and sincere – They have 4 children
x Birth: 1840-11-08  Death: 1910-11-28  Birth: 1838-04-16  Death: 1916-02-22  Birth: 1835-01-09  Death: 1926  Birth: 1833-06-08  Death: 1891-06-12 

the youngest George Frederick — Sarah the little
girl is it not pretty but more agreeable and
gentle in her manners than any of the other
children I saw — They all seemed very glad
to see me – Tempe seemed rather displeased
when any one said that Mary
Birth: 1815 Death: 1879-08-29
and I were alike
she said there was not a particle of resemblance
in person or manners – furthrmore she said not
She asked me how I liked Mary and when I enumerated
her good qualities neither assented or dissented so
that I am quite at a loss to know her opinion
Lockey did not see her at all – being sick at
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the time of her visit – All the others seemed much pleased with
her – Mr Seward neither asked my opinion or expressed
his own though he undoubtedly has come to some
very positive conclusion – He had written to her
the week before I came to come to Florida and
make a visit — She would have come up with Henry
Birth: 1801-05-16 Death: 1872-10-10

who went to N. York Wednesday night but he knowing
that the remains of the first wife
Birth: 1794-07-23 Death: 1839-10-25
were on their way
to their final resting place deemed it a rather an unsuitable
time for the presence of the second among the
mourners — This argument I believe had some weight
with the Mumfords
x Birth: 1791-06-01  Death: 1862-01-09  Birth: 1791-09-18  Death: 1863-04-25 
but was entirely unthought of at
Florida — Mary is to go next week and stay I
do not know how long but Julia
Birth: 1824-02-11 Death: 1895
thought about
a week — I suppose there will be many unrealized
calculations made upon this invitation, which means
just nothing at all – Augustus left Westfield one week
a ago he has not yet reached Albany – Clarence
Birth: 1828-10-07 Death: 1897-07-24
made a rather unfavourable impression at Florida
particularly upon his Grandpa — Dr Canfield
Birth: 1798-11-26 Death: 1865-01-05
to have been there often enough to have entirely exhausted
all the kindly feeling produced by Cornelia's
Birth: 1805 Death: 1839-01-04
death – They
were as much disgusted with him at Goshen as at Florida
Frances Grier
Birth: 1801-01-16 Death: 1860-02-07
said he seemed to think you were the only
person in the world capable of appreciating him and intimated
that you and he would make a very happy couple did
the circumstances permit Caroline
Birth: 1834-07-25 Death: 1922-02-28
grows coarse and
unamiable – Mother says there is not a single trait in her
character resembling Cornelia – The boys
x Birth: 1832-02-20  Death: 1876-01-14  Birth: 1829-12-04  Death: 1867-10-25 
are still running wild
at Bargintown and their father is still in full pursuit of a rich
wife — He left – Henry came to Florida from N. York
Saturday night – we left there Sunday afternoon – stayed one
night at Goshen and came to Newburgh in time for the
morning boat yesterday — All our friends at Goshen and
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made me promise to bring you along when I came again –
Dear Cousin Mary is a heart broken woman – the death of her
oldest son is to her a severe calamity and with her
affectionate nature she suffers as much as you can im-
agine – Frances expects to be confined every day. George
Birth: 1807-05-17 Death: 1883-05-25
with his wife
Birth: 1819-10-31 Death: 1899-08-26
and children
x Birth: 1840-06-13  Death: 1870-01-31  Birth: 1839-03-19  Death: 1862-01-23 
have just returned
to Mobile – I found your last letter and the packet brought
by Worden on my return – I am sorry Sam
Birth: 1820-03-09 Death: 1893-07-07
behaves so badly
but not surprised he is fickle and inconstant in his feelings
and has a heart so singularly constructed as to admit
of affection for but one person at a time no matter how different
the nature of that affection – At present he spends the greater
part of his time at the Astor house where the Lyman's
x Birth: 1813  Death:   Birth: 1804  Death: 1869 
I have not seen him since the day I came down when I do I
will hand him the letters and your message which would
give a person less selfish more than positive unkindness
I am sorry to speak so unkindly of one for whom I certainly
Mrs Alvah Worden
paid WHS
Oct 19


Type: postmark

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feel much interest but he has so many unamiable
traits of character that one cannot well shut
their eyes upon them – He never mentioned the
affection you bestowed upon him and could not
with all the kindness which he proposed and