Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Miller Worden, April 17, 1845

  • Posted on: 16 October 2018
  • By: admin
Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Miller Worden, April 17, 1845



student editor


Distributor:Seward Family Digital Archive

Institution:University of Rochester

Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections


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Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Miller Worden, April 17, 1845

action: sent

sender: Frances Seward
Birth: 1805-09-24  Death: 1865-06-21

location: Auburn, NY

receiver: Lazette Worden
Birth: 1803-11-01  Death: 1875-10-03

location: Canandaigua, NY

transcription: ccd 

revision: crb 2018-07-11

Page 1

Thursday morning
My dear Sister
My anxiety about my dear
little boy
Birth: 1839-06-18 Death: 1920-04-29
induces me to write sooner than I
might do otherwise – I am sorry that I neg-
lected to ask you to write immediately – his
patient little face is ever with me and I
shall be unable to get any respite from solicitude
until I hear from him – nothing but the hope
that he might be benefitted would have induced
me to have parted with him at this time
though I felt all the time that he would receive
from you attentions which I should be unable
to bestow upon him - - I felt very lonely after you
left us – Fred
Birth: 1830-07-08 Death: 1915-04-25
came home that afternoon from
a fruitless mission. – He found only Mrs
at home who said that they
had concluded that they could not spare
– She made no apology for not
sending me any word – Fred found Pomeroy
Birth: 1808-03-08 Death: 1867-09-18

and took dinner with him – his father
 Death: 1864

[top Margin] Clarence's vacation continues four weeks I think
the two last will be at Canandaigua – he says
he was never so disappointed in his life as when
he found the cars had gone by without his
seeing you – I have had a serious time with Sister
this morning she does not seem well and utterly refuses

[left Margin] the broth – She has eaten a little bread and milk but seems to
think it is given for the purpose of choking her

[right Margin] With much persuasion sister has been induced to take
a little milk without sugar through the silver tube

[bottom Margin] Henry
Birth: 1801-05-16 Death: 1872-10-10
has a letter from Worden
Birth: 1797-03-06 Death: 1856-02-16

he says he has not heard from
you and Fan in a fortnight
he is well and in good spirits

Page 2

what remains of our old house – In the mean-
time Mr. Willard
Birth: 1781-03-10 Death: 1860Certainty: Possible
and his grandson
dined with
us – Mr. W - said he was sorry I had sent
for Willis as he was a very bad boy and withal
dishonest – Fred heard the same account at
Mr. Pomeroy's – so we continue minus a waiter
Birth: 1772-04-11 Death: 1851-11-13
expressed his regret that Elizabeth
Birth: 1834-03-20 Death: 1892-02-25
had gone
said she was a very good girl – The day
after you left Youngs
Birth: 1796 Death: 1877
and Paulina
Birth: 1801 Death: 1868-09
came for
a visit - Youngs is a very respectable man
a little pompous but much improved – Paulina
has lost the small portion of sense she had
she looks like Aunt Schooley
Birth: 1774 Death: 1850-01-31
and is nearly
as old – They were on their way to see Lazetta
Birth: 1824-12-25 Death: 1884-08-15

who is living 14 miles this side of Ithica
Aunt Schooley has had another visitation of
palsy but is again comfortable – Paulina left her
younger children
x Birth: 1831-08  Death: 1912  Birth: 1841  Death:   Birth: 1833-06-08  Death: 1910 
with Adeline
Birth: 1809
– They proceeded
on their journey yesterday – Paulina of course
wanted shrubbery – Clara
Birth: 1793-05-01 Death: 1862-09-05
held baby
Birth: 1844-12-09 Death: 1866-10-29
while I assis-
ted John
in making a collection – occasionally
lending a helping hand to Julia
who was cleaning
the boys bed room – She cleaned the garret
the day previous – we also took down the
hall stove
Page 3

Tell William that I kept his little blue violet
until today – while I was out of the room Mary

took occasion to throw it away I was very sorry
Birth: 1828-10-07 Death: 1897-07-24
came home yesterday he seems to be
very much displeased with the world at large
I believe the difficulty is want of money – I have
a letter from my boy
Birth: 1826-10-01 Death: 1876-09-11
– he is well – And now
I must tell about sister Fan - I am writing with
her on my lap which will in some measure account
for this illegible writing – she does not take
it at all tea - Caroline
keeps her in the
cradle until nine or ten – then I nurse her – she
is put in the cradle again and lies one or
two hours longer – then I take her for the remainder
of the night – so far we have not been obliged to feed
her during the night she is very hungry when morning
comes and then takes her bottle from Caroline while we
are at breakfast – I shall soon be obliged to feed her
but have not attempted it yet – I am constantly with
her – Mary is about as obliging has I supposed she is
now sitting by while I am writing with baby on
my lap – I put her in the cradle for a few moments
Mary let her lie and cry without offering to take her
although I was writing – there must be much
Page 4

pleasure in selfishness of this kind – I wish you could
witness my table waiting – Fred and I do thatAnn

has very kindly offered to come in for that purpose but
it interferes too much with her work in the kitchen –
we still have the long table – I would it were
still filled with the descendants of Paulina Titus
Birth: 1751 Death: 1835-10-03

I must close my letter as I have called Caroline from the
kitchen to hold Sis – Mary continues as composed as
you please – I pray for patience – May this letter
find my dear little boy better – Kiss him for me
Your Sister
Mrs Alvah Worden
APR 18


Type: postmark

[top Margin] Friday –
Dear Sis your letter came ^Friday^ just as I was sealing mine it is
a comfort to hear dear Willie is better – I have been very anxious
about him – I sent for Dr. Witherell
last evening and gave your
message – he is much obliged to you and wishes me
to ask you if you think it will make any difference
if he defers coming to Canandaigua until the 1st of May

[bottom Margin] as he finds it difficult to leave at present – still he
will come next week if you think best – Does any other
physician talk of that place? – You will please
answer this soon – he is to call again Sunday

[right Margin] Love to Frances
Birth: 1826-12-12 Death: 1909-08-24
– The cards have come for
the wedding party – next Wednesday – I hear
nothing new