Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Miller Worden, December 26, 1848

  • Posted on: 17 October 2018
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Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Miller Worden, December 26, 1848



student editor


Distributor:Seward Family Digital Archive

Institution:University of Rochester

Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections


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Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Miller Worden, December 26, 1848

action: sent

sender: Frances Seward
Birth: 1805-09-24  Death: 1865-06-21

location: Auburn, NY

receiver: Lazette Worden
Birth: 1803-11-01  Death: 1875-10-03

location: Flatbush, NY

transcription: meb 

revision: tap 2018-07-27

Page 1

M Tuesday morning Dec. 26
My dear Sister,
I wish you a happy Christmas though
it is the day after — I tried in vain to find one
hour yesterday to write — Sunday I wrote a long
letter to Augustus
Birth: 1826-10-01 Death: 1876-09-11
which took all the leisure time
Yesterday morning I intended to have gone to Church
but a sick headache sent me to bed — until I was
obliged to get up and see to the dinner — Clara
Birth: 1793-05-01 Death: 1862-09-05

and McLallen
Birth: 1791-09-07 Death: 1860-11-16
dined with us — After dinner
I was hurried preparing Fanny
Birth: 1844-12-09 Death: 1866-10-29
to go for a Christmas
visit to Appleton Blatchford
Birth: 1845-09-09 Death: 1905-10-22
— Then I must make
ready for the entertainment of Willies
Birth: 1839-06-18 Death: 1920-04-29
in the evening, then for tea — Then Clara and
I went to see the boys demolish the Christmas
Bag — while we were enjoying this sport Tom
came and stayed nearly an hour —
The object of his visit was to enquire where you
and Frances
Birth: 1826-12-12 Death: 1909-08-24
were to be found — so you will
probably see him some time next week — After
he left I hurried to give Willies company, their
refreshments — then Aunt Clara went home
and finally I went to bed with my little girl
who had gone to sleep crying with a wound from
a pin received during the play —

[top Margin] All the children send love
Page 2

To give you an idea of the constant circulation of
the family, Dennis
Birth: 1827
brought the slay to the
door 10 times during the day and evening —
First Grandpa
Birth: 1772-04-11 Death: 1851-11-13
and Fred
Birth: 1830-07-08 Death: 1915-04-25
were to go to the
village— at 10 Mrs Miller
Birth: 1785-04-24 Death: 1870-04-17
to be taken to
Church — then Grandpa and Fred again — then
the sleigh went for Aunt Clara — then to
the Church for Mrs Miller — Then Fred and
Willie went down street — next Clarence
Birth: 1828-10-07 Death: 1897-07-24

then Fanny was taken to Appleton’s party — brought
home at six — Aunt Clara went home at 9 —
So ended this very busy day — The Children at
least were very happy — Fanny had a beautiful time
a Christmas Tree adorned the table filled with
lights and presents for the children — Fanny
says it looked very pretty — Her account of the
guests was amusing enough — She said 'I walked
in and sat down' — Georgy Wood
Birth: 1835
Dela Nye
Birth: 1840-05-09 Death: 1931-01-23

Catherine Beardsley
Birth: 1818-07-22 Death: 1896-03-03
and Frank Morgan
Birth: 1839
were their
little guests — There was one lady Fanny said
that they called St Nick but she thought it
was Mrs Goodwin
Birth: 1808-09-10
— I presume it was Mary
Birth: 1813-02-16 Death: 1893-10-14
as she is home at present — Mr
Birth: 1817 Death: 1879-12-23
and Mr Allen
Birth: 1804-01-05 Death: 1881-10-10
whom Fanny mistook
for Mr Morgan
Birth: 1808-06-04 Death: 1877-04-03
— and a Miss Green
Birth: 1834-04-02
— this
latter person I presume was Cornelia Morgan
with a fictitious name — and Appleton's father
Birth: 1820-03-09 Death: 1893-07-07

and Mother
Birth: 1817-08-27 Death: 1901-06-12
— As nearly as I could understand.
Page 3

the older guests dined there — The Children
were introduced with the dessert — Fanny
was the last to leave and Sammy and
cried loud to come home with her — but was
finally ded detained by Rosanna
Fanny brought
home some pretty little toys home which she
is keeping with St Nicholas gifts to show
to Aunty — Willie's boys departed at 1/ 2 past
nine apparently well satisfied — I am glad to
hear Frances is improving — Sorry that you
were deprived of the visit to the City — Henry
I know will see you at Flatbush — I
am begging beginning to expect him home —
I have heard just now that Mrs Hills
Birth: 1796 Death: 1863-04-22
to sign the deed for the sale of the house —
It may not be so, if it is they have become
satisfied that they have sold the house too
low — There has been of course all manner of
observations made — Peter Myers
Birth: 1812-08-04 Death: 1878-10-30
has published
two new books —"The first of the Knickerbockers"
Author: Peter H. Myers Publisher: George P. Putnam Place of Publication:New York City Date: 1848

and the "Young Patroon"
 Publisher: George P. Putnam Place of Publication:New York, NY Date: 1848
Fred has read me
part of the latter with which I was much
pleased — there is abundance of the same kind
of humour which abounds in Washington Irvings
Birth: 1783-04-03 Death: 1859-11-28

writings — I had a letter from Catherine
Birth: 1825 Death: 1898
yesterday, she seems to be very much
pleased with Rochester and Huson
Birth: 1822 Death: 1861-10-14

Clara has not come yet —
Page 4

We are, after the manner of the Primitive Church and
the Fathers, to have our Church open for Prayers
every day this week — Since I wrote our
mild weather and rain have changed to cold
with snow — The snow was at one time
a foot deep but a night of rain has diminish-
ed it — Our furnace does not heat the house as
we hoped — Pray if you have an opportunity to
see one, do test its powers — Fred says houses
can be warmed by them even to an uncomfortable
degree — we cannot warm two rooms at a
time when the Thermometer is below freezing.
My confidence in Mr. McGregors judgement failed
while he was here — I see some obvious defects
but do not see any remedy in the case of our
furnace — Eliza
Birth: 1833 Death: 1884-07-25
often wishes you would
come that she may go beyond the reach of her
— Her mother behaves very badly — she
is determined to take all of Eliza's wages to
buy finery for herself — her new husband
 Death: 1901-07-09

seems to have diverted all feelings from her children
Margaret Doyle
wants to come back — She told
me last night things about her sister Eliza
which were almost incredible — she has more
malice in her disposition than I ever supposed —
I feel very sorry for Margaret — My dull
letters are a poor return for yours which are very
interesting — Love to Frances
your own