Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Miller Worden, February 6, 1849

  • Posted on: 5 December 2018
  • By: admin
Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Miller Worden, February 6, 1849



student editor


Distributor:Seward Family Digital Archive

Institution:University of Rochester

Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections


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Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Miller Worden, February 6, 1849

action: sent

sender: Frances Seward
Birth: 1805-09-24  Death: 1865-06-21

location: Auburn, NY

receiver: Lazette Worden
Birth: 1803-11-01  Death: 1875-10-03

location: Flatbush, NY

transcription: pxc 

revision: crb 2018-10-30

Page 1

Teusday, Feb 6th
My dear Sister,
I write one day later than usual
this week in consequence of having had the
headache yesterday – The children
x Birth: 1844-12-09  Death: 1866-10-29  Birth: 1839-06-18  Death: 1920-04-29 
were both
sick last week with colds and are neither
of them quite well yet – I did not attend
Mrs Dennis
Birth: 1812 Death: 1861-05-21
party – but was told it was pleasant
though a funeral from one of the neighboring
houses and in some sort connected with the
family, seemed to make the gaiety rather
mal apropos – Milinda Sherwood
Birth: 1795-07-25 Death: 1849-01-30
very suddenly Teusday morning – Dr Pitney
Birth: 1786-11-18 Death: 1853-04-20

says with inflammation of the stomach – I think
the victim of mal practice though the Dr
was not called until the day previous to
her death – Owing to some derangement she
had been for some time taking large quantities
of sasaparilla syrup – four days previous to
her death she was seized with vomiting which
continued so long that her friends became
alarmed by her debility when the vomiting
ceased and sent for Dr Pitney though she
insisted that it was unnecessary – The Dr came
and took from her all nervous stimulus by
telling her she could not live – then in accordance
Page 2

with the demands of the disease he assumed her to
have he forbad her taking either brandy or
any nourishing food – She died in less than
12 hours – Her mother
Birth: 1769-12-31 Death: 1849-05-11
and sister
Birth: 1795-07-15 Death: 1867-09-26Certainty: Probable
are well
satisfied that every thing was done for her
possible – Dont speak of this to any person as
my conclusions from what I have heard though
irresistible – would be deemed unwarrantable –
Whether Dr Pitney will ever be held accountable
f either here or in the world to come for the
deaths occasioned by his ignorance God only
knows – They are legion – I was invited to
Judge Conklings
Birth: 1789-10-12 Death: 1874-02-05
to take tea with Mrs Pitney
Birth: 1797-12-04 Death: 1862-05-06
her sister
Birth: 1807 Death: 1890-11-27
Wednesday but did not go –
Dr Salsbury
Birth: 1812-09-12 Death: 1875-09-13
has lost his father
Birth: 1759-08-10 Death: 1849-01-24
recently – Mrs
Salsbury appeared in black last Sunday –
I went to church – and saw then Mrs John
Birth: 1817-04-25 Death: 1900
who made many enquiries about you.
Mrs Marvin
Birth: 1810-07-08 Death: 1888-05-06
gives a party this week
to which we are all invited – Her card is
after this manner – “Mrs Marvins compliments
for Thursday evening” – Is this the fashion? –
I suppose you saw Henry
Birth: 1801-05-16 Death: 1872-10-10
on his way to
Florida – I shall expect him and Clarence
Birth: 1828-10-07 Death: 1897-07-24

home this week – have heard nothing from
Clarence – I hope he will succeed in seeing
his Mother
Birth: 1815 Death: 1879-08-29
before he returns as that was
one of the chief objects of his visit –
Page 3

When I wrote last I told you that Jane Perry
Birth: 1810 Death: 1877-01-07

was going to William Woods
Birth: 1800 Death: 1863-02-23
Birth: 1809 Death: 1888-03-16
informed me that the arrangements were all
made – Soon after old Mrs Perry
Birth: 1788-10-12 Death: 1859-02-08
Mrs Marvin
and Mrs Steele


went to see Aunt Clara
Birth: 1793-05-01 Death: 1862-09-05
represented the impropriety of Jane’s going to
a public house in terms to convincing that
Clara made up her mind to take her
so she and Alice
Birth: 1843-10-26
are to go there this week
or next – They are now at John Dills
Birth: 1804 Death: 1866

I think Clara is lonely and thinks Jane's society
better than none – I do not –
Clara Miller
Birth: 1821 Death: 1907
did not come as she expected
I presume she will by and by – I am going
to see Emma Abbott
Birth: 1814-08-22 Death: 1897
this week to enquire about
her experience with Dr Vanderveer
Birth: 1796 Death: 1857-07-05
– her mother
Birth: 1790 Death: 1852-05-28

told me she was under his care a year.
I am going to enquire whether he considers her
incurable or whether he required longer time –
It is rather doubtful whether I get the
information I seek – It is currently
reported that Emma is to be married to William
Birth: 1812-04-03 Death: 1897-08-19
– I do not believe it –
Elizas mother
behaves very badly – I should not
be surprised if she should take Eliza
Birth: 1833 Death: 1884-07-25Certainty: Possible
with her
if she commences housekeeping before you return
Eliza tells me privately that she is persuading her to
go – Eliza does not wish to go and says she
Page 4

will go back with you – Ann has sent to me
a number of times for money – Now as she told me
that if she could get Eliza kept for her board
it was all she wanted, she certainly has no claims
upon me – I of course intend to pay the child
but not one cent of it shall go to Ann if I
can permit it – Eliza says she has often spoke
of the wages which you owe her her – I lost
the memorandum that you left but it is no matter
I shall give Ann no money – I sent her $2 dollars
to buy Eliza a hood which she appropriated
and gave Eliza that ill looking red thing of hers
I pity Eliza from my heart – she seems to me like
the child Dickens
Birth: 1812-02-07 Death: 1870-06-09
represents without any pleasant
memories to soften the heart – She has constantly
been subjected to much harshness and evil
example among her own people – Miss Bennet
Birth: 1811

is here quilting – I must go and help her – Love to
Birth: 1826-12-12 Death: 1909-08-24
Your own Sister –

[left Margin] Willie has with great
tribulation written you a
letter which I enclose
Eliza stands at my elbow
and says I must tell
you she is a good girl
you have her word for it

[left Margin]
Hand Shiftx

Lazette Worden

Birth: 1803-11-01 Death: 1875-10-03