Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Miller Worden, January 3, 1852

  • Posted on: 18 July 2019
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Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Miller Worden, January 3, 1852



student editor


Distributor:Seward Family Digital Archive

Institution:University of Rochester

Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections


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Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Miller Worden, January 3, 1852

action: sent:

sender: Frances Seward
Birth: 1805-09-24  Death: 1865-06-21

location: Washington D.C., US

receiver: Lazette Worden
Birth: 1803-11-01  Death: 1875-10-03

location: Unknown

transcription: smc 

revision: vxa 2019-02-22

Page 1

Washington Jan 3d
My dear Sister,
I begin to think it is unavoidable
at Washington this being in a perpetual hurry–
I will take it for granted that Fred
Birth: 1830-07-08 Death: 1915-04-25
has sent
you and you have read that long letter
which came up to Thursday night– We talk
and think of nothing now but Kossuth
Birth: 1802-09-19 Death: 1894-03-20
– though
I must tell you my impression of Greenough
Birth: 1805-09-06 Death: 1852-12-18Certainty: Probable

the artist– I was determined to like him
because he was an artist though his face
did not please me– He and Sumner
Birth: 1811-01-06 Death: 1874-03-11
to dinner as we expected– Henry talked
right on just as though Greenough and
Charles Sumner were the same thing– In
the course of the conversation he said all this
opposition at the South to Kossuth would be
a benefit in the end to the Antislavery
cause– he spoke with his usual freedom
of the cotton interest &– when Greenough
very abruptly interrupted him and said
"I have peculiar views with regard to slaves
Page 2

It is my opinion that the first ship load
that was ever brought to America should
have been either driven back or made
slaves, as they were"– Henry
Birth: 1801-05-16 Death: 1872-10-10
him no answer– I merely replied his views
were quite peculiar– I might have added
to a gentleman who pretended refinement
for I know of no Southern gentleman who
would have written so brutal a sentiment–
I was tempted when we left the table
to leave the room & should have done so
had not Charles Sumner been present as our
guest– I hope I shall never again meet
Mr Greenough the artist– I told Henry
I intended to tell Sumner just what I
thought of his townsman, but he said
I must not– I shall certainly tell
him that I did not admire him–
Sumner will never be a politician– this
is entre nous– he is a literary man
and a philanthropist of the Dr Channing
Birth: 1780-04-07 Death: 1842-10-02
Henry thinks he will finally fall into the
Democratic party as do all free soilers
but him– I hope not–
Page 3

The Democrats have told Kossuth that they will
support him if he will discontinue his association
with Free soilers– they would not hel help
him if he did– Henry sees Kossuth every day
but less than he would that he may not
embarrass him. I went this morning to see
the ladies by appointment but though it was
only 12 the rooms were crowded and I
did not stay– Capt. Massingberd
the rooms had been full since 11 oclock
They all left their cards yesterday– Madame
Birth: 1809-06-14 Death: 1865-09-01
was there– "Kossuth Terez"– her
name is Theresa I believe– Madame & Col
x Birth:   Death:   Birth: 1815  Death: 1866 
are to come and see us tomorrow
privately– they cannot of course return calls
when there are such a multitude– Henry
succeeded in getting up a Congressional dinner
which is to come off on Monday– Tuesday
they dine with us– I have a pretty note
from Mad. Pultszky which came with a
volume of her memoirs
Author: Theresa Pulszky Publisher: Lea and Blanchard Place of Publication:Philadelphia Date: 1850
which she sent Henry–
Henry is engaged in getting up another dinner but
many not succeed–He will not be able
to be in the Senate when Kossuth is presented
on Monday as he has a cause in the Supreme
Page 4

court to argue at that time– Monday
This letter which I intended to finish Sunday
was not touched– In the morning we went
round to Browns to take Mrs Massingberd

with us to church– Henry had an appointment
with Kossuth at our house at 1– Mr
Birth: 1810-10-16 Death: 1890-03-05
preached so long a sermon that 1oclock
came and Henry was obliged to leave– I
was too sick to stay another hour for the
Sacrament so we all came of out while
the contribution was in process of collection–
very much to the discomposure of Mrs
in whose pews we sit– Mrs Massingberd
was to dine with us but she must first
go to Browns to see Madame Kossuth
so I left Henry at our door and drove
down to Browns to leave Mrs Massingberd.
Tw Two carriages were in waiting which
the drivers
told me were to take the
Gen and Col & Madam Pultszky to our
house– so I went immediately home to be
ready to receive them– The Pultsky's were
there almost as soon as I– they sat with
us about half an hour before the Gov arrived–
He exchanged a few words with them in
Page 5

when they immediately took their leave–
I think I never have known such vol-
untary homage paid to an individual as
Kossuth receives from his suite– Gentle as
he is they all seem awed by his presence
and never address him without or leave
his presence without a low obeisance–
It seems the religious awe inspired by high
moral worth– I have no doubt his habitual
gravity tends to heighten with this felicity– he
seldom smiles– Fifteen minutes after
Mrs Massingberd made her appearance
and seemed no less awestruck than
the others– I invited her up stairs to
allow Henry as much time alone as possible
with the Governor– He finally consented
to remain and take a family dinner with
us– & now came my turn to yield
to the fascination of this wonderful man–
I looked into his earnest face and
listened to the tones of his persuasive voice,
and for the first time saw his face lit
up by a sweet smile– You will laugh
but when he took his leave my obeisance
Page 6

was not less lowly than that of his disciples–
To day he is presented to the Senate– he is
grieved that they will not allow him then
to address the people– We were speaking
yesterday about the difficulty of getting seats
there– Henry said the house would be
crowded to overflowing– "I am very sorry"
said he earnestly– they will be greatly
disappointed– I wrote a note to Madame
Pulszky saying I was not well enough to
go up with them– but Henry is commissioned
by Mrs Gwyn
Birth: 1815-06-04 Death: 1901-06-26
to offer her carriage to
the ladies
& she is to accompany them–
That did not increase my ambition
to be of the party– I was obliged to go
out this morning to make some arrangements
about our dinner– Netty Caralen
spending the day with Fanny– poor little
Netty – she has exchanged a very affectionate
for an Irish nurse
– I will not
send this letter until I hear where you
are– I hope Willie
Birth: 1835-01-09 Death: 1926
is with you– I feel
troubled about him- his lungs are weak
and he requires some one to watch him
Mrs Carrols
Birth: 1812-03-27 Death: 1895-02-11
son, Willie
Birth: 1833-07-10 Death: 1857-01-19
, who came
Page 7

home from school ill last spring is said
to be declining rapidly with a pulmonary
disease– I wish I knew what to advise
about poor old Bob – but you will see
that he does not suffer– I said nothing
about oats for him before I came away
but intended that Dennis
Birth: 1827
should get
more at Hopkins when those were gone–
I hope Clara
Birth: 1793-05-01 Death: 1862-09-05
is well– Tuesday
We have heard some thing about Willie
which disturbs me greatly– His Father
has written for Fred
Birth: 1830-07-08 Death: 1915-04-25
to go to Auburn
directly and persuade him to come here
to meet Augustus
Birth: 1826-10-01 Death: 1876-09-11
– I am so anxious
about him that I cannot consent
to have him go to the Lake– Say that
my anxiety is the cause of his coming
I thought he was with you and felt
quite contented– We are in the
midst of preparations for the dinner–
Your own Sister–
Thursday– No letter from you yet
so I must send this without knowing
Page 8

We were greatly disappointed that Kossuth
was too ill to come to dinner– Henry
saw him that evening– he was confined
to his room– Our dinner was very
agreeable so said Mr and Mrs Webster
x Birth: 1797-09-28  Death: 1882-02-26  Birth: 1782-01-18  Death: 1852-10-24 

Birth: 1844-12-09 Death: 1866-10-29
sat in the seat made vacant
by Gen Kossuth's absence– I feel
anxious and disturbed about you all
it is more than ten days since I have
heard from home directly– Thinking
you may be in Auburn I thought I
would direct this letter there but
it is so uncertain I had perhaps better
send it to Canandaigua – your own
Send this to Fred– at Albany