Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Miller Worden, March 1856
Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Miller Worden, March 1856
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Distributor:Seward Family Digital Archive
Institution:University of Rochester
Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections
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Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Miller Worden, March 1856
action: sent
sender: Frances Seward
Birth: 1805-09-24
Death: 1865-06-21
location: Washington D.C., US
receiver: Lazette Worden
Birth: 1803-11-01
Death: 1875-10-03
location: Canandaigua, NY
transcription: aca
revision: jxw 2022-04-11
Page 1
Washington Frid
Thursday evening –
My dear Sister,
Your letter of Sunday
came last night I
cannot understand why
mine sent more than
a week ago had not reached
you – but I suppose it has
before this time –
Catherine E. Beecher
Birth: 1800-09-06 Death: 1878-05-12
the sister of Mrs. Stowe
Birth: 1811-06-14 Death: 1896-07-01
been some time at Dr.
Birth: 1807-12-03 Death: 1859-06-05
– to day being
one tolerably well day
out of many sick ones
I wrote her a note asking
her to come and see me
for 1/2 an hour — She
returned with Anna
Birth: 1834-03-29 Death: 1919-05-02
took the note – I was
prepared to find her very
homely as that was about
all that I could hear of
her – I knew from her
writings that she had
strong practical good
sense – as she as – but
I could not talk and
she was afraid she might
weary me – I wished often
that you were here – She
intimated that if you were
coming soon she would wait
to see you – but I could
fix no time – she is to
leave on Monday – Her
book on Health
Author: Catharine E. Beecher Publisher: Harper & Brothers Place of Publication:New York City Date: 1856
interested me greatly and
suggested so many improvements
that ought to be made
in the education and
social intercourse of
women that I hoped I
might be able to talk
with her – had she come
in the evening I might
have done better but
she misread my note –
said she would come again
before leaving town as she
wished much to see Henry
Birth: 1801-05-16 Death: 1872-10-10
Charles Sumner
Birth: 1811-01-06 Death: 1874-03-11
came home
to dinner with Henry – I
did not see him as he left
before tea – I have just
seen Judge Wade
Birth: 1800-10-27 Death: 1878-03-02
a moment who is
here to supper with 8 or
9 other members who are
franking – in the office
in the library & in the
little parlour – The children
are helping except Willie
Birth: 1839-06-18 Death: 1920-04-29
who has taken a walk
down town & Fanny
Birth: 1844-12-09 Death: 1866-10-29
sits on Will's bed reading
so intently that she does
not seem to know where
she is – I know from
your letter that you are
not as well as usual
I hope a few weeks of quiet
rest will restore you –
I know you must be sick
when all was over at
Canandaigua – I write
to Frances
Birth: 1826-12-12 Death: 1909-08-24
to night in
answer to a letter from
her recommending a girl
as seamstress &c – who has
been living with her at
the Hotel — I still remain
of the opinion that a seam-
stress out of the house is
about as profitable and
more pleasant – for light
work Eliza has the
promise of Kates
Birth: 1837 Death: 1878-04-08
next – When you come
we will talk about some
of these things more at
large – Saturday evening
Yesterday your letter came to
Fanny bringing the assurance
that you were no more sick–
I went to drive in the morning
with my two boys
Birth: 1830-07-08 Death: 1915-04-25
– It was
a beautiful bright day – Fred
is not as well as I wish he
was, and Will wants to go
home – After we came back
Anna and Fred went on a
visiting excursion to Georgetown
and [ divers ]
Alternate Text
then they stopped for the
two Fanny’s; and all went
to Mr. King
Birth: 1785 Death: 1862-03-19
's picture gallery –
In the evening Miss Beecher
came to see Henry with
whom she talked nearly an hour
about a debate in the Senate –
Then came Mr.
Birth: 1814-03-24 Death: 1874-04-15
& Mrs. Fletcher
Birth: 1817-06-27 Death: 1884-04-05
and Harrington
Birth: 1816-10-26 Death: 1892-12-05Certainty: Possible
for the
evening – I staid below until
a delegation of 6 from Pennsyl-
vania came — Miss Beecher
went home and I up stairs
She leaves Monday – says Mrs
Stowe is writing another book
Author: Harriet Beecher Stowe Publisher: Phillips, Sampson and Company Place of Publication:Boston Date: 1856
relating to Slavery – not fiction,
I had skimmed the Hon
Miss Murray
Birth: 1795 Death: 1884-06-07
– enough to
be satisfied that she is
more scientific than wise
her strong proslavery predilec-
tions would spoil
any book
Publisher: G. Putnam Place of Publication:New York, NY Date: 1856
– Gov. Seymour
Birth: 1810-05-31 Death: 1886-02-12
is the Hero as Emerson
Birth: 1803-05-25 Death: 1882-04-27
of Miss Bremer’s
Author: Fredrika Bremer Publisher: Harper & Brothers Place of Publication:New York City Date: 1853
— I shall
have both of Miss Beecher's
Publisher: Harper & Bros. Place of Publication:New York, NY Date: 1856
by the time you
come – Fred brought me
Mrs. Child's
Birth: 1802-02-11 Death: 1880-10-20
in all Religions
Publisher: C.S. Francis & Co. Place of Publication:New York, NY Date: 1855
which we will read together
It is very interesting –
I hope Clara
Birth: 1793-05-01 Death: 1862-09-05
received my
letter enclosing one from
Birth: 1826-10-01 Death: 1876-09-11
– We hear no
more from him yet – 9 oclock
I waited for the mail this
evening which brought a
letter from Augustus
dated the 9th of March
He is about 35 miles from
Key West where he says
vessels pass every day –
He says Spring has come
there – We had a snow
storm this morning but it
is not very cold –
Fanny is in bed – sends love
Love to Clara – your own