Letter from William Henry Seward, Jr. to Frances Miller Seward, February 1, 1858

  • Posted on: 1 April 2021
  • By: admin
Letter from William Henry Seward, Jr. to Frances Miller Seward, February 1, 1858



student editor


Distributor:Seward Family Digital Archive

Institution:University of Rochester

Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections


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Letter from William Henry Seward, Jr. to Frances Miller Seward, February 1, 1858

action: sent

sender: William Seward
Birth: 1839-06-18  Death: 1920-04-29

location: Albany, NY

receiver: Frances Seward
Birth: 1805-09-24  Death: 1865-06-21

location: Washington D.C., US

transcription: nwh 

revision: vxa 2020-11-07

Page 1

Albany Feb 1st
My dear Mother
I recd both of
your letter of last week and also
the Check for which I am much
obliged. Last evening I went
up to Mr Whartons
Birth: 1808-02-07 Death: 1868-09-09
but did not
find Fred
Birth: 1830-07-08 Death: 1915-04-25
& Anna
Birth: 1834-03-29 Death: 1919-05-02
as they had
both gone out, I however saw Mrs
Birth: 1812-10-29 Death: 1889-10-09
who tells me that Anna
expects to start for Washington next
Wednesday or Thursday how she is
to go is not yet I believe decided
I left Fanny's
Birth: 1844-12-09 Death: 1866-10-29
Watch with her
to take when ever she goes it is now
I think in good running order.
Have you seen anything of my
Page 2

hair brush & comb & also my
clothes brush all of which
I have either left in Washington or
else somewhere on the road.
Mr Smith
to day sends me
his bill which I find to be much
larger than I had expected I supposed
that it would be about $25 but
instead it is $34. it hardly seems
possible that I can have had so
much done to my teeth since Spring
and yet I have strong proof that
such is the case as the bill shows
for its self; You remember that you
promised to pay half of it which
I thought would be about $13 but
instead of that it will be $17
which makes four dollars more than
you have already given me so if
you think proper will you please
send me the four dollar or more if
you feel able to do so for although
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I can pay it as it is yet
it will inconvenience ^me^ considerable
and I should have to do without
some things which I need, any time
that you get an opportunity will answer
to send the money but I should
rather have it with in two or three
weeks because I shall take some
of the money to pay the bill with
which I intended to pay for board,
as the amount is hardly large
enough for a check it would be better
to send it by some one coming this
way. Fred thinks perhaps he may
go down with Anna & if so you
could send it by him.
I have not heard from Aunty
Birth: 1803-11-01 Death: 1875-10-03
I came back but suppose she is
well or I should have heard
Love to Fanny & all
Your affectionate son
Page 4

Hand Shiftx

Frances Seward

Birth: 1805-09-24 Death: 1865-06-21
William Feb 1