Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Augustus Henry Seward, January 22, 1859
Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Augustus Henry Seward, January 22, 1859
student editorTranscriber:spp:smc
Distributor:Seward Family Digital Archive
Institution:University of Rochester
Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections
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Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Augustus Henry Seward, January 22, 1859
action: sent
sender: Frances Seward
Birth: 1805-09-24
Death: 1865-06-21
location: Washington D.C., US
receiver: Augustus Seward
Birth: 1826-10-01
Death: 1876-09-11
location: Key West, FL
transcription: mlb
revision: zz 2020-12-02
Page 1
Washington Jan 22d
My dear Son,
A week has passed since
I received your letter of the 30 of
Decem— which seemed to have been a
long time on the way — it was mailed
at Key West the 10th— I have been ill
with influenza the last 10 days
which prevented my writing — am
now able to be about again — We
have had but few cold days here
then the Therm stood at 7 above
zero — at the North it has been
exceedingly cold 27 & 30 deg below —
They have not had much sleighing
at Auburn — there has been none
here but abundance of mud —
Birth: 1839-06-18 Death: 1920-04-29
, went to New Yorkto meetAnna
Birth: 1834-03-29 Death: 1919-05-02
the Thursday after NewYears — Fred
Birth: 1830-07-08 Death: 1915-04-25
came as far as therewith her— and returned the
same morning that they left —
Fred keeps well though it has
been more that usually sickly
in Albany — It was a great relief
to me to have Anna come — Father
Birth: 1801-05-16 Death: 1872-10-10
was in a hurry to commence a
series of dinner parties, of which
two have now passed beside the
usual amount of company at other
times— Lord
Birth: 1832-07-15 Death: 1894-08-28
& Lady Bury
Birth: 1832-04-15 Death: 1917-05-04
werehere before Anna came & dined
with us— also Mr Bancoft J.
Birth: 1822-12-29 Death: 1907-12-27
and his wife
Birth: 1829-07-02 Death: 1916-11-23
—You willremember him as John Davis the
son of the Senator
Birth: 1787-01-13 Death: 1854-04-19
of that
namehe was once at Auburn— Since he
went to Europe with his Uncle
Birth: 1800-10-03 Death: 1891-01-17
as secretary he has taken or
rather used the name of Ban-
croft instead of John —
He married about a year
ago one of the daughters of
James King
Birth: 1791-05-08 Death: 1853-10-03
brother of theGen
Birth: 1814-01-26 Death: 1876-10-13
— she is about his ownage and quite agreeable —
He is considerably improved in
manner — I have letters often
from Aunty
Birth: 1803-11-01 Death: 1875-10-03
— she has been a secondtime to Canandaigua to see Frances
Birth: 1826-12-12 Death: 1909-08-24
who was ill with fever — had
been sick a week when they sent
for Aunty — She staid but two
days — Frances was getting better
slowly — since her return she has
a letter saying Frances still con-
tinues to improve— Aunt Clara
Birth: 1793-05-01 Death: 1862-09-05
is pretty well — I do not hear any
thing ^more^ of importance from Auburn
since I wrote last — Mr Rich-
Birth: 1819 Death: 1897-03-21
last shop was burned soonafter New Years— Mrs Miller
Birth: 1785-04-24 Death: 1870-04-17
was so near she must have been
much alarmed— The burning of the
shop will not be a loss to any one
but Mr Richardson himself —
Aunt Clara has had considerable company
from Romulus this Winter—Catherine
Birth: 1825 Death: 1898
& her eldest boy
Birth: 1850
have alsobeen there — I wish you would
write to Aunt Clara —any thing that
you are doing will interest her,
if it is only at what time you go
to bed or get up in the morning —
I have been finished reading Irving's
Birth: 1783-04-03 Death: 1859-11-28
life of Washington —it is very
interesting and by far the most clear
account of the Revolutionary War
which I have ever read— I think
you would like to read it—
Will continues to work very dil-
igently in the Office— answers a
large part of the letters—He fell
on the steps of the Hotel more
than a week ago spraining his
knee and has been lame since
though he walks now without
a cane— Father & Anna do
the visiting and receiving company
of which there is much to be done
Your father keeps unusually well
this winter—He has intro-
duced a bill into the Senate
for the suppression of the Slave
Trade which seems to have
commenced again in Georgia
or South Carolina—I think
it is without the approbation
of the more intelligent part
of Southern men —
I send you a card of
invitation to Frances Sewards
Birth: 1836-02-16 Death: 1910-02-06
wedding and a letter on
business from Fred —
I hope Frances’ marriage
will be successfully consum-
mated this time
Birth: 1844-12-09 Death: 1866-10-29
is tolerably
well nowthough she has not been so
well this Winter as last —
All send love to you — I
hope you have my letters before
this time and that we
shall soon have some more
recent intelligence from
you — At what time
in the Spring will
you probably come North —
I did not mention that
one of the Miss Wood’s
Birth: 1834-01-09 Death: 1892-09-07
theeldest, Gen. Taylors
Birth: 1784-11-24 Death: 1850-07-09
grandau-ghter was married a few
days ago to some one
Birth: 1831-10-17 Death: 1862-02-28
of this city — I do not
remember the name
if I have heard it —
May God bless you
always — Mother —
Lieut. A. H. Seward
Assistant Coast Survey
Key West
Hand Shift
Birth: 1801-05-16 Death: 1872-10-10William Seward
JAN 23 1859