Letter from William Henry Seward to Frances Adeline Seward, December 6, 1859

  • Posted on: 10 November 2021
  • By: admin
Letter from William Henry Seward to Frances Adeline Seward, December 6, 1859



student editor


Distributor:Seward Family Digital Archive

Institution:University of Rochester

Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections


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Letter from William Henry Seward to Frances Adeline Seward, December 6, 1859

action: sent

sender: William Seward
Birth: 1801-05-16  Death: 1872-10-10

location: Brussels, Belgium

receiver: Frances Seward
Birth: 1844-12-09  Death: 1866-10-29

location: Auburn, NY

transcription: vxa 

revision: amr 2021-01-30


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Editorial Note

William Henry Seward’s series of travel letters in 1859 are organized and listed by the date of each entry.
Brussels Tuesday Dec 6, 1859
We had yesterday a dreary rainy sleety day, but
I did not suffer the weather to prevent me
from seeing some of the sights and society of this
interesting old capital. I called on General
Birth: 1800-08-17 Death: 1885-05-27
the Prime Minister, and also on the
Minister for foreign affairs
Birth: 1806-04-09 Death: 1885-07-16
both of whom
I found polite and extremely warm. I had met
them on Sunday at dinner at the Palace.
I visited the Museum and studied still
farther the Flemish school of paintings –
seeing some imperfect works of Rubens
Birth: 1577-06-28 Death: 1640-05-30
, and
one master piece of Gerard Dow
Birth: 1613-04-07 Death: 1675-02-09
. There
are two modern pictures there which I
admire very much. This one, is the sheep
cot in a storm, a very fine illustration
of the gentleness humility and confidence of
the sheep, the patience of the shepherd and
the fidelity of the dog. The other Judas
returning at night from the betrayal of the
Savior with his purse in his hand and
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coming unaware upon the carpenter who
by the light of a fire on the ground and
making the cross for the execution of the
Divine Master. I think art can go no
further than it has done in expressing the
remorse fear and terror of the traitor in
this great work.
In the afternoon Mr Rogert called
on me, he speaks no English but I made
out to converse with him in French. He is
the Republican leader, if I may so designate
him in this Country, and he was infinitely
interested in learning the true conditions
of political affairs in our country.
I dined at the Danish Ministers
meeting there old Mr
Birth: 1781-09-08 Death: 1860-11-28
& Mrs Bille
Birth: 1789-01-21 Death: 1868-12-05
who was so long Minister at Washington,
their son
Birth: 1819-12-25 Death: 1883-05-13
now ministers here, and three
x Birth: 1810-01-08  Death:   Birth: 1812-05-04  Death: 1882-06-08  Birth: 1815-06-12  Death:  
. Mr Fair
Birth: 1809-07-04 Death: 1886-12-23
the American minister
and Mr
Birth: 1806-10-14 Death: 1879-04-01
and Mrs Ward
 Death: 1908-01-06
of the British
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at the Hague. The party was all quite America
seasoned, and I enjoyed much the discussion
of by gone things in my own country by such
partial friends –
Today I visit the Legisla-
ture, and finish my observations, dining with
Mr & Mrs Fair
Birth: 1826-09-24 Death: 1880-09
. Tomorrow I return to
Tuesday evening.
I have visited the Cathedral, a majestic, Gothic
Edifice, grand in ^its^ properties and elaborate in
the delicacies of the finish of its choir, porches
and towers. Its stained windows very old but
accurately restored are the finest in the world.
Among them is one or more presented to the
Church by the European Charles V
 Death: 1558-09-21
The rest of the day I spent in the
Chamber of Representatives, where I heard a
very animated debate of a particular character.
The speakers spoke highly but very well.
The whole effect was like that of a debate
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in the House of Assembly in New York. It was
very decorous, the question seemed .
When I consider how strong party feeling is
here in this little constitutional Kingdom of four
and a half millions gathered living in the
space of 2 100 miles square. And contrast with
the Belgian territory and system our own more
extended and vastly more democratic one &
consider the greatness of the questions which
engage the American Government continually I am
not surprised at the zeal and vehemence of
of parties in the United States. I wonder
only that we are as moderate and tranquil
as we are –