Letter from George Washington Seward to William Henry Seward, February 5, 1861
Letter from George Washington Seward to William Henry Seward, February 5, 1861
student editorTranscriber:spp:dxt
Distributor:Seward Family Digital Archive
Institution:University of Rochester
Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections
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Letter from George Washington Seward to William Henry Seward, February 5, 1861
action: sent
sender: George Seward
Birth: 1808-08-26
Death: 1888-12-07
location: Florida, NY
receiver: William Seward
Birth: 1801-05-16
Death: 1872-10-10
location: Washington D.C., US
transcription: crb
revision: tap 2018-01-23
Florida Feby 5th 1861
My Dear Henry
I have received letters
from the several persons named
on the enclosed slip of paper highly
approving of your speech delivered
some weeks since in the Senate
with the request in some instances
that I would get their names
placed on your list for speeches
and documents.
These persons I have been ac-
quainted with for a few years
and they have uniformly expressed
themselves as admirers and friends
of yours, which has been very grate-
ful to my feelings. I trust there-
fore that you will honor them and
and me by occasional sending
them speeches &c.
I have been dissapointed
that Wm M. Evarts
York was not nominated
in Caucus Saturday evening
for Senator, I have watched
his course in public life
and have much admired
him for his principles and
talents, and from the time
of the last Chicago Con-
vention he has been my Can-
didate for your place in
the Senate, notwithstanding
some previous thought and
perhaps you in the number
that I was wedded to
Horace Greely
Since writing the above I have received
an article in the Tribune, Feby 5th headed
from September to January with
indignation, its falsity and auda-
city is unparalled, but enough I
do not feel authorized to take up
your time amid great cares in
reading my poor scribbling of things
you know better than I.
I get a letter now and then from
Affectionately Your Brother
Geo. W. Seward
Florida Feby 5th 1861
My Dear Henry
I have received letters
from the several persons named
on the enclosed slip of paper highly
approving of your speech delivered
some weeks since in the Senate
with the request in some instances
that I would get their names
placed on your list for speeches
and documents.
These persons I have been ac-
quainted with for a few years
and they have uniformly expressed
themselves as admirers and friends
of yours, which has been very grate-
ful to my feelings. I trust there-
fore that you will honor them and
and me by occasional sending
them speeches &c.
I have been dissapointed
that Wm M. Evarts
Birth: 1818-02-06 Death: 1901-02-28
of NewYork was not nominated
in Caucus Saturday evening
for Senator, I have watched
his course in public life
and have much admired
him for his principles and
talents, and from the time
of the last Chicago Con-
vention he has been my Can-
didate for your place in
the Senate, notwithstanding
some previous thought and
perhaps you in the number
that I was wedded to
Horace Greely
Birth: 1811-02-03 Death: 1872-11-29
. Since writing the above I have received
an article in the Tribune, Feby 5th headed
from September to January with
indignation, its falsity and auda-
city is unparalled, but enough I
do not feel authorized to take up
your time amid great cares in
reading my poor scribbling of things
you know better than I.
I get a letter now and then from
Birth: 1805-09-24 Death: 1865-06-21
. Affectionately Your Brother
Geo. W. Seward