Letter from William Henry Seward, Jr. to William Henry Seward, October 23, 1867

  • Posted on: 22 November 2016
  • By: admin
Letter from William Henry Seward, Jr. to William Henry Seward, October 23, 1867



student editor


Distributor:Seward Family Digital Archive

Institution:University of Rochester

Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections


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Letter from William Henry Seward, Jr. to William Henry Seward, October 23, 1867

action: sent

sender: William Seward
Birth: 1839-06-18  Death: 1920-04-29

location: Auburn, NY

receiver: William Seward
Birth: 1801-05-16  Death: 1872-10-10

location: Unknown

transcription: ahf 

revision: crb 2016-10-12

Page 1

Auburn Oct 23/67
My dear Father
On going up to
the cemetary this morning I
was much surprised to find that
had been at work on
Birth: 1844-12-09 Death: 1866-10-29
grave since yesterday
morning and had it over half
completed. His excuse for not
complying with our direction (to
discontinue work until pleasant
weather) was that on reaching the
grounds yesterday he found that
the excavation was then more than
half made and fearing that
if he then left off rain might
set in and fill it with water
he thought it best to go on as
rapidly as possible. Fortunately
it cleared away and has been
pleasant ever since. Under the circumstan-
Page 2

I think he did right to go on
but am very sorry that he
did not let me know so that
I could have been there earlier
I however think he intended to
act for the best and am not
inclined to censure him in as much
as the work has not only been well
done with great care but with all
the kind consideration he knew how
to manifest. The earth in the grave
was as light and dry as in Mothers
Birth: 1805-09-24 Death: 1865-06-21

and the outside box was in a
perfect state of preservation, everything
has been neatly done and the lot
will be put in order tomorrow the
weather has been beautiful and I
feel that we have been very fortunate
in our selection of time
Birth: 1803-11-01 Death: 1875-10-03
of course felt very badly when
she learned that part of the work
had been done and she not present
Your Affectionate Son
Wm H Seward Jr
Page 3

She Eliza & Mary
Birth: 1843 Death: 1919
Lyon however
went to the cemetary early and
remained until all was finished
Your Affectionate Son
Wm H Seward Jr
Page 4

W. H. S. Jr
Oct 23 1867