Letter from Janet Watson Seward to Augustus Henry Seward, February 27, 1870
Letter from Janet Watson Seward to Augustus Henry Seward, February 27, 1870
student editorTranscriber:spp:smc
Distributor:Seward Family Digital Archive
Institution:University of Rochester
Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections
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Letter from Janet Watson Seward to Augustus Henry Seward, February 27, 1870
action: sent
sender: Janet Seward
Birth: 1839-11-18
Death: 1913-11-09
location: Auburn, NY
receiver: Augustus Seward
Birth: 1826-10-01
Death: 1876-09-11
location: Louisville, KY
transcription: pxc
revision: crb 2018-03-21
Feb. 27th 1870
My dear Gus,
this morning leaving your father
and Fred
Astor House. Anna
Montrose yesterday and took the
Mexican young lady
Father is to have a public re-
ception. Will did not hear on
what day as it was not decided
until noon yesterday; on Thursday
he has accepted an invitation to
dine with Mr Berrada
will not come home until after
that, he is very anxious to get
home, but it is so cold here
Will and all his friends tried to
persuade him not to come at
present, but we shall not be
surprised to see him any day –
We have had very cold weather and
about two feet of snow – I will
telegraph to you as soon as we
here when father is coming –
Will went on to Baltimore to meet
him, Nelly
to go but Willie
well and I did not like to
leave him – We are all well
now. Aunty
than when you were here. I hope
you will be able to come home
as soon as father does –
she is with me now, but is soon going to Mothers
With much love,
Feb. 27th 1870
My dear Gus,
Birth: 1839-06-18 Death: 1920-04-29
came homethis morning leaving your father
Birth: 1801-05-16 Death: 1872-10-10
and Fred
Birth: 1844-12-09 Death: 1866-10-29
in New York at
theAstor House. Anna
Birth: 1834-03-29 Death: 1919-05-02
went toMontrose yesterday and took the
Mexican young lady
with her.Father is to have a public re-
ception. Will did not hear on
what day as it was not decided
until noon yesterday; on Thursday
he has accepted an invitation to
dine with Mr Berrada
Birth: 1827 Death: 1883
so hewill not come home until after
that, he is very anxious to get
home, but it is so cold here
Will and all his friends tried to
persuade him not to come at
present, but we shall not be
surprised to see him any day –
We have had very cold weather and
about two feet of snow – I will
telegraph to you as soon as we
here when father is coming –
Will went on to Baltimore to meet
him, Nelly
Birth: 1862-09-11 Death: 1921-10-05
and I were all readyto go but Willie
Birth: 1864-11-10
was not verywell and I did not like to
leave him – We are all well
now. Aunty
Birth: 1803-11-01 Death: 1875-10-03
is very much betterthan when you were here. I hope
you will be able to come home
as soon as father does –
Birth: 1832-04-27 Death: 1903-12-20
sends her love to youshe is with me now, but is soon going to Mothers
Birth: 1812-03-30 Death: 1893-11-13
With much love,