Person Information
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Fanny Smith
Birth: 1848
Death: unknown
Birth Date Prefix: c.
Death Date Prefix:
Alternate First Name: Fany
Fanny is a nurse and housemaid in Will Jr.'s household. She is mentioned in 18680607WSJ_FWS1 when Will describes the traveling party from Auburn to NYC: Our party consists of eight viz Mother & I Willie & Nelly, Fanny the nurse & John the driver and Charley & Willie the Horses." Fanny and John are listed in the 1875 as part of the WSJ household.
Letter References
Letter from Lazette Miller Worden to Augustus Henry Seward, February 20, 1868
Letter from Lazette Miller Worden to Augustus Henry Seward, April 5, 1868
Letter from Frances Adeline Seward to William Henry Seward, Jr., January 12, 1866
Letter from William Henry Seward, Jr. to Frederick William Seward, June 7, 1868
Biography and Citation Information:
Fanny is a nurse and housemaid in Will Jr.'s household. She is mentioned in 18680607WSJ_FWS1 when Will describes the traveling party from Auburn to NYC: Our party consists of eight viz Mother & I Willie & Nelly, Fanny the nurse & John the driver and Charley & Willie the Horses." Fanny and John are listed in the 1875 as part of the WSJ household.
Citation Notes:
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