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Anna M Smith (Sheridan)
Birth: unknown
Death: unknown
Anna Sheridan Smith wrote to FMS in both 1846 and 1848. In 1846 she asks FMS for advice on what occupation she should take up, and hints that if she had the proper funding she could be better educated. In 1848 she writes to tell Frances that she has married, is doing well, and is happy.
Letter References
Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Augustus Henry Seward, October 11, 1846
Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Augustus Henry Seward, September 22, 1846
Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Miller Worden, October 3, 1846
Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Miller Worden, October 15, 1846
Biography and Citation Information:
Anna Sheridan Smith wrote to FMS in both 1846 and 1848. In 1846 she asks FMS for advice on what occupation she should take up, and hints that if she had the proper funding she could be better educated. In 1848 she writes to tell Frances that she has married, is doing well, and is happy.
Citation for Birth Info:
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