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Ferdinand of Spain
Birth: 10-14-1784
Death: 9-29-1833
RelationshipsParents, Charles of Spain IV
Ferdinand, through a coup, took control of the crown from his father Charles IV in 1808- However, upon Napoleon's invasion of Spain shortly after, he was forced to give the crown back to Charles, who abdicated in favor of Napoleon. The Spanish populace rose against the French and created the Constitution of Cádiz (1812)- However, in 1813, Napoleon released Ferdinand from imprisonment in order to shut it down, which he did. However, he no longer held the political power he once did, and in 1820, Ferdinand accepted the restoration of the 1812 Cortes. In 1823, Ferdinand and Louis XVIII of France drove out the radical ministries in Spain.
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Biography and Citation Information:
Biography: Ferdinand, through a coup, took control of the crown from his father Charles IV in 1808- However, upon Napoleon's invasion of Spain shortly after, he was forced to give the crown back to Charles, who abdicated in favor of Napoleon. The Spanish populace rose against the French and created the Constitution of Cádiz (1812)- However, in 1813, Napoleon released Ferdinand from imprisonment in order to shut it down, which he did. However, he no longer held the political power he once did, and in 1820, Ferdinand accepted the restoration of the 1812 Cortes. In 1823, Ferdinand and Louis XVIII of France drove out the radical ministries in Spain.Citation Type: WebsiteCitation URL: of Webpage: Ferdinand VII King of SpainWebsite Viewing Date: Wednesday, November 8, 2017 - 01:30Website's Last Modified Date: Wednesday, November 8, 2017 - 01:30
Citation for Birth Info:
Citation Type: WebsiteCitation URL: of Webpage: Ferdinand VII King of SpainWebsite Viewing Date: Wednesday, November 8, 2017 - 01:30Website Last Modified Date: Wednesday, November 8, 2017 - 01:30
Citation for Death Info:
Citation Type: WebsiteCitation URL: of Webpage: Ferdinand VII King of SpainWebsite Viewing Date: Wednesday, November 8, 2017 - 01:30Website Last Modified Date: Wednesday, November 8, 2017 - 01:30
Parents, Charles of Spain IV
, Charles of Spain IV
Ferdinand, through a coup, took control of the crown from his father Charles IV in 1808- However, upon Napoleon's invasion of Spain shortly after, he was forced to give the crown back to Charles, who abdicated in favor of Napoleon. The Spanish populace rose against the French and created the Constitution of Cádiz (1812)- However, in 1813, Napoleon released Ferdinand from imprisonment in order to shut it down, which he did. However, he no longer held the political power he once did, and in 1820, Ferdinand accepted the restoration of the 1812 Cortes. In 1823, Ferdinand and Louis XVIII of France drove out the radical ministries in Spain.
Biography and Citation Information:
Ferdinand, through a coup, took control of the crown from his father Charles IV in 1808- However, upon Napoleon's invasion of Spain shortly after, he was forced to give the crown back to Charles, who abdicated in favor of Napoleon. The Spanish populace rose against the French and created the Constitution of Cádiz (1812)- However, in 1813, Napoleon released Ferdinand from imprisonment in order to shut it down, which he did. However, he no longer held the political power he once did, and in 1820, Ferdinand accepted the restoration of the 1812 Cortes. In 1823, Ferdinand and Louis XVIII of France drove out the radical ministries in Spain.
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Title of Webpage:
Ferdinand VII King of Spain
Website Viewing Date:
Wednesday, November 8, 2017 - 01:30
Website's Last Modified Date:
Wednesday, November 8, 2017 - 01:30
Citation for Birth Info:
Citation Type:
Citation URL:
Title of Webpage:
Ferdinand VII King of Spain
Website Viewing Date:
Wednesday, November 8, 2017 - 01:30
Website Last Modified Date:
Wednesday, November 8, 2017 - 01:30
Citation for Death Info:
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Citation URL:
Title of Webpage:
Ferdinand VII King of Spain
Website Viewing Date:
Wednesday, November 8, 2017 - 01:30
Website Last Modified Date:
Wednesday, November 8, 2017 - 01:30