Book Holdings

  • Catholic Expositor and Church Record journals

    Author: Hawks, Francis L., ed, etc.
    Imprint: [Charles R. Lincoln, etc.]: Flushing, NY; 1841-1842
    Extent: Approx. 599 pp
    Subject(s): Religion

    Repository: Seward House Museum
    Notes: Title(1-6): The Catholic Expositor and Literary Magazine. Vol I. Nos. 3-4, 6, 10-11/Vol II. No. 1. 1841-1842. 258 pp Title(7-13): Church Record. Vol I. Nos. 34-36, 38-42, 46, 48-49, 52 / Vol II. No. 3. 142 pp. 1841 Title(14-): The Church Record,

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