Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Miller Worden, November 23, 1849

  • Posted on: 6 December 2018
  • By: admin
Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Miller Worden, November 23, 1849



student editor


Distributor:Seward Family Digital Archive

Institution:University of Rochester

Repository:Rare Books and Special Collections


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Letter from Frances Miller Seward to Lazette Miller Worden, November 23, 1849

action: sent

sender: Frances Seward
Birth: 1805-09-24  Death: 1865-06-21

location: New York, NY

receiver: Lazette Worden
Birth: 1803-11-01  Death: 1875-10-03

location: Auburn, NY

transcription: cjb 

revision: tap 2018-11-09

Page 1

Astor House Friday morning
My dear Sister
We came up the River yesterday instead
of last evening as we purposed – Our ride from
Auburn was as pleasant as the day would permit
found supper waiting for us at Mr Weeds
Birth: 1797-11-15 Death: 1882-11-22

Birth: 1827
went to the City of Hotel, Abbey
Birth: 1822 Death: 1895-09-16
went home
a great proportion of the luggage was left at
the depot – I went in the morning to the
dress makers and after dinner we took a
Carriage and went to Troy to see Sarah
Birth: 1833-06-08 Death: 1891-06-12

found both of the Mrs Willards
x Birth: 1809-08-31  Death: 1883-06-26  Birth: 1787-02-23  Death: 1870-04-15 
absent and
Mrs Winslow
Birth: 1813-08-20 Death: 1861-12-09
had been down and taken Sarah
home with her – So we drove there and made
an agreeable visit of two or three hours – Had
little Fan
Birth: 1844-12-09 Death: 1866-10-29
been along I do not know but we
should have been persuaded to stay all night –
however I thought I would save a day in New
York by taking the day boat as a night
on the River always unfits me for the next
day – Mrs Taylor
Birth: 1810 Death: 1866-05-17
came to see me and I called
a moment upon her in the evening – The young
x Birth: 1832  Death:   Birth: 1824  Death: 1874-08-09 
seemed disappointed that Fred
Birth: 1830-07-08 Death: 1915-04-25
was not
coming to Albany to spend the Winter instead of
going to Washington – The younger is very pretty —
Mr Hunt
Birth: 1798 Death: 1858-10-23Certainty: Possible
Birth: 1808-06-04 Death: 1877-04-03
and Mrs Hilton
Birth: 1811 Death: 1893-04-05
were at Mrs

[top Margin]
should prefer fringe – however fringe is voted
very unfashionable – write what you think —
kiss Willie for mother –
your own
Page 2

Birth: 1797 Death: 1858-07-03
when I returned very busily engaged in
a game of Whist- I sent Mrs Morgans
Birth: 1813-02-16 Death: 1893-10-14

package in the morning – I am afraid I
ought to have made more enquiries about Mary’s
going with us – Did Mrs Pitney
Birth: 1797-12-04 Death: 1862-05-06
say any thing
about it to you? – I was so sick that
day that I neglected many things – We saw Mr
Birth: 1799-11-11 Death: 1879-10-15Certainty: Possible
Birth: 1799-06-12 Death: 1851-09-19Certainty: Possible
and Benedict
Birth: 1785-11-07 Death: 1862-07-15
at Weeds –
Birth: 1808-08-03 Death: 1893-09-07
& Mrs Fish
Birth: 1816-12-17 Death: 1887-06-30
called while we were at Troy —
Birth: 1826-12-12 Death: 1909-08-24
went in the morning to call upon
Birth: 1827-10-10 Death: 1889-02-10
and in the afternoon accompanied us to
Troy – she enjoyed the visit and drive except
crossing the Ferry which is never pleasant to me –
Fanny went home with Abby and spent the day —
We came off in the Alida at 7 oclock – I was
so sick all day that I saw little on the boat –
Frances was on deck a part of the time –
the sun shone pleasantly but the air was cold –
George Seward
Birth: 1808-08-26 Death: 1888-12-07
came up to Albany Wednesday
evening and is yet with us – he went to see
Sarah – Sarah was a little homesick but
on the whole pleased with the school –
Tell Caroline
Birth: 1834-07-25 Death: 1922-02-28
that Sarah wishes very much
to have her come down by the way of Troy –
I should be glad if it could be so arranged –
It is a lonely feeling to be among strangers –
Tell Fred that he must by no means
neglect Willie's
Birth: 1839-06-18 Death: 1920-04-29
lessons – Let him study at
least 2 hours every day at a stated period
Page 3

11 oclock – Frances and I have just returned from a fruitless
expedition to Stewarts – Nothing is to be seen there
either velvet or silk but sacks and sack cloaks
which she does not want – I advise a large shawl
but Frances is undecided – My dress has just come
from Albany and of course does not fit me consequently
I am left without any dress here but the "bombazette
Birth: 1802-02-08 Death: 1884-06-07
you know has the mission to Austria
they he is in Washington – the girls
x Birth: 1830-12-14  Death: 1918-12-04  Birth: 1827-11-30  Death: 1896-10-03 
are preparing to go
as they are to sail before long – Saturday morning
I suppose Frances letter will tell you why mine
was not finished yesterday – We were at the shops dress
makers & milliners from 11 to 3 – then came
dinner or at least company an hour prior —
then dinner – after dinner I went to see the Dusseldorf
pictures and Powers
Birth: 1805-07-29 Death: 1873-06-27
sculpture which is very beautiful
Of course I was too tired to do any thing but go to bed
when I came home – Frances has told you about
our purchases – It was impossible to get any
thing but a shawl – hers is pretty and fashionable
if she requires any thing more I will get it for
her when any thing but a sack can be found —
I have my bombazine only with a mantilla of
the same – every thing else is interdicted for full
mourning – I am very glad it saves me much
trouble – my dress must be made in Philadelphia
We have not time here – we leave here today at 4 oclock
escorted by Mr Truman Smith
Birth: 1791-11-27 Death: 1884-05-03
U.S.S – Henry
Birth: 1801-05-16 Death: 1872-10-10
for Mr Blatchfords
Birth: 1798-04-23 Death: 1875-09-04
dinner to which I was likewise
Page 4

invited – I return no visits as I cannot make all –
This morning I attend prayers at Trinity
with the Webb’s — then finish shopping – before dinner
I shall be glad to get to Philadelphia where
it will be more quiet – George Grier
Birth: 1802-09-27 Death: 1878-12-20
Birth: 1828 Death: 1905
, Dr Jayne
Birth: 1817-02-06 Death: 1897-11-09
and a friend of Marys a
dowdyish looking (dont say this to Caroline) Miss
came yesterday morning – all here
I have seen Mary but a few moments – I appointed
this morning before breakfast for an interview
that being the only time we are alone – Mary
has thrown off all her mourning and appears
in a green bonnet and red shawl – I am
sorry to see it – Dr Jayne is rather a well
looking young man – Frances did not wish to
pay more than $30 for a shawl so I added
the $5 as she bought it with my advice
Mrs Bowen
Birth: 1816 Death: 1872-07-15Certainty: Probable
was our dictator about fashion –
she went with us every where – I have not
seen Bowen
Birth: 1808-02-25 Death: 1886-09-29
Mrs Draper
Birth: 1798-11-02 Death: 1870-11-28Certainty: Possible
was with Mrs Bowen
in the Country they came in yesterday – I have
not seen Mrs Draper - Henry told her not to come
We will write again from Philadelphia -
I will try to get the fringe in Philadelphia
but fear I may not succeed – in New York
when a thing ceases to be fashionable it is ‘out
of the market” – They have a kind of gimp
braid with which they trim velvet – I would
have purchased this had I thought you would
like it – it is pretty – but is out of New York I